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Wrong, Mainstream Media, Florida’s Sea Water Is Not Setting Records – Single spot measured was ‘not an ocean buoy’ & ‘not in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean’

Meteorologist Anthony Watts: “”The media missed is that MNBF1 is not an ocean buoy at all, in fact it is partially inland, designated as part of the Everglades National Park, and not in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean…” On this Google Earth closeup, seen in Figure 3, we can see this buoy is in exceptionally shallow water, near the shoreline- you can see the bottom of the bay.

“The media completely missed the fact that this sort of temperature at that buoy has happened before and this was not the highest temperature ever seen there. The record for the Manatee Bay site is 102 degrees. It was set on Aug. 15, 2017. … if they had bothered to check tide table, they would have learned that the high temperature correlated with a lower than normal tide, which allowed the subsurface structures heated by the sun to also contribute to heating the water.”


Extreme Weather Expert Pielke Jr. rips Wash Post claim of hottest ‘world record’ ocean temp, “No it is not a world record. It’s not even highest at that station in past 6 years”

Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: “Science journalism is broken. No it is not a world record. It’s not even the highest at that station in the past 6 years. When did journalists and editors stop doing journalism and start turning incorrect but viral Tweets into headlines? Recipe for misinformation.”

Florida Meteorologist Jeff Berardelli told CNBC: “These buoys that are inside Florida Bay – so that’s to the north of the Florida Keys and to the South Florida peninsula- they’re all in very shallow, murky, dark water…it’s contaminated with sediment, the water temperatures are reflective of the fact that darker surfaces absorb more heat…it’s not really comparable to most water measurements…there are no official records that are kept on water temperature.”

Even though CNBC debunked the ‘hot tub’ ocean temperature claims, its sister organization MSNBC went full alarmist, ignoring CNBC reporting. See: MSNBC Warns of ‘Boiling Seas’ from Climate Change – MSNBC warned Monday of ‚””boiling seas- due to climate change, citing ocean readings of 100¬∫F off the coast of Florida. Never shy about employing incendiary rhetoric, MSNBC seems to have forgotten that while the boiling point of water is 100¬∫ Celsius, it is actually 212¬∫ on the Fahrenheit scale.

Boston mayor bans ‘fossil fuels’ in new city-owned buildings to advance ‘racial & economic justice’ By ANDREW CHAPADOS Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announced that she has banned “fossil fuels” in new city-owned buildings after teaming up with the city’s director of the Green New Deal. The executive order was announced in a press release and will eliminate “the Use of Fossil Fuels in New Construction and Major Renovations of City Buildings.” The […]

SHINING LIGHT ON THE CLIMATE OF MANIPULATION: ‘Climate justice movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a PR tool that will enable them to raid the public purse’

Paul Cudenec: In short, it is absolutely clear that the‚”climate justice‚” movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a PR tool that will enable them to raid the public purse, under the pretext of a climate ‚”emergency”, and channel trillions of dollars into their own pockets. In reality, the public and private are not separate entities, but one and the same thing. Thanks to countless decades of systematic corruption, private interests have entirely taken control of all the major public institutions, national and international. Because this corruption cannot be admitted to the public, the notion of a ‚”partnership” is used to explain away the fact that these two facets of the same entity are pursuing exactly the same agenda.

The world is currently in the hands of what is nothing less than a psychopathic death cult, whereas our resistance is a force for life.

Claim: ‘Earth has a cow problem’ – Reality: This is a setup to push eating of Bill Gates-funded lab-grown meat & insects. We are supposed to accept that somehow in 2023, Earth’s climate cannot handle humans eating cows.

This is all a setup to push the eating of Bill Gates-funded lab-grown meat and insects. We are supposed to accept that somehow in 2023, Earth's climate cannot handle humans eating cows. — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) August 3, 2023 Great Food Reset: U.S. Agriculture Dept approves nation’s first ‘lab-grown’ meat from ‘steel tanks’ — […]

Bjorn Lomborg: Climate alarmists falsely claim the world is literally on fire – Satellites reveal global area burned annually has trended downward in past 2 decades

Lomborg on Global wildfires: For more than two decades, satellites have recorded fires across the planet’s surface. The data are unequivocal: Since the early 2000s, when 3% of the world’s land caught fire, the area burned annually has trended downward. In 2022, the last year for which there are complete data, the world hit a record low of 2.2% burned area…The latest report by the United Nations’ climate panel doesn’t attribute the area burned globally by wildfires to climate change. Instead, it vaguely suggests the weather conditions that promote wildfires are becoming more common in some places. Still, the report finds that the change in these weather conditions won’t be detectable above the natural noise even by the end of the century. …

America wildfires: While the complete data aren’t in for 2023, global tracking up to July 29 by the Global Wildfire Information System shows that more land has burned in the Americas than usual. But much of the rest of the world has seen lower burning- Africa and especially Europe. Globally, the GWIS shows that burned area is slightly below the average between 2012 and 2022, a period that already saw some of the lowest rates of burned area.

Australian Wildfires: Likewise, while Australia’s wildfires in 2019-20 earned media headlines such as ‚””Apocalypse Now”” and “”Australia Burns”” the satellite data show this was a selective narrative. The burning was extraordinary in two states but extraordinarily small in the rest of the country. Since the early 2000s, when 8% of Australia caught fire, the area of the country torched each year has declined. The 2019-20 fires scorched 4% of Australian land, and this year the burned area will likely be even less.

When reading headlines about fires, remember the other climate scare tactics that proved duds. Polar bears were once the poster cubs for climate action, yet are now estimated to be more populous than at any time in the past half-century. We were told climate change would produce more hurricanes, yet satellite data shows that the number of hurricanes globally since 1980 has trended slightly downward.

‘We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Expands on His Climate Dissent – ‘I am, I guess, what you would call a climate denialist’

Report: Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser -who recently declared climate science a ‘pseudoscience’ – has his IMF talk abruptly canceled

Top climate scientists rubbish claims July was the hottest month ever – Public being ‘misinformed on a massive scale’

Via The Australian: Cliff Mass, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at University of Washington, said the public was being ‚””misinformed on a massive scale “”It’s terrible. I think it’s a disaster. There’s a stunning amount of exaggeration and hype of extreme weather and heatwaves, and it’s very counter-productive,”” he told The Australian in an interview‚””I’m not a contrarian. I’m pretty mainstream in a very large [academic] department, and I think most of these claims are unfounded and problematic.””

Professor Mass said the climate was “”radically warmer”” around 1000 years ago during what’s known as the Medieval Warm Period, when agriculture thrived in parts of now ice-covered Greenland. ‚””If you really go back far enough there were swamps near the North Pole, and the other thing to keep in mind is that we’re coming out of a cold period, a Little Ice Age from roughly 1600 to 1850.””


John Christy, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, said heatwaves in the first half of the 20th century were at least as intense as those of more recent decades based on consistent, long-term weather stations going back over a century‚ “”I haven’t seen anything yet this summer that’s an all-time record for these long-term stations, 1936 still holds by far the record for the most number of stations with the hottest-ever temperatures,”” he told The Australian, referring to the year of a great heatwave in North America that killed thousands.

Professor Christy said an explosion of the number of weather stations in the US and around the world had made historical comparisons difficult because some stations only went back a few years; meanwhile, creeping urbanization had subjected existing weather stations to additional heat. “”In Houston, for example, in the centre it is now between 6 and 9 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the surrounding countryside,”” he explained in an interview with The Australian.

Professor Christy, conceding a slight warming trend over the last 45 years, said July could be the warmest month on record based on global temperatures measured by satellites‚””just edging out 1998‚”” but such measures only went back to 1979.

Elon Musk Describes ESG as ‘Communism Rebranded’

“We don’t basically do some sort of like bizarre, like communism rebranded thing, which is like a lot of what ESG is and to be inflicted upon corporate America without the knowledge of the actual shareholders, which is what’s going on!” Musk said. ‚”The big firms that you hear are BlackRock, you know, Vanguard, all them, they’re like, they’re setting themselves up for the biggest class action lawsuit in the history of class action lawsuits by an order of magnitude‚”he added.

No, the Earth Did Not have an ‘Unprecedented and Terrifying … All-Time High Temperature’ on July 4th – Not the hottest in 100,000 years – NOAA & AP back away from claim By  Anthony Watts On July 3rd and 4th and the following days, multiple mainstream media outlets ran stories claiming that the Earth had experienced an unprecedented hot day(s). This is false. The data they cited was not official data, but from a private website and investigation shows the claim was a gross error. Some sample headlines […]