by Paul Cudenec
[Text of a talk given on Saturday July 29 2023 to the Resistenze al Nanomondo international conference in the countryside near Alessandria, Italy]
In short, it is absolutely clear that the “climate justice” movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a PR tool that will enable them to raid the public purse, under the pretext of a climate “emergency”, and channel trillions of dollars into their own pockets.
In reality, the public and private are not separate entities, but one and the same thing.
Thanks to countless decades of systematic corruption, private interests have entirely taken control of all the major public institutions, national and international.
Because this corruption cannot be admitted to the public, the notion of a “partnership” is used to explain away the fact that these two facets of the same entity are pursuing exactly the same agenda.
Canadian investigative journalist Cory Morningstar has been particularly important in demolishing the myth of Greta Thunberg as a “schoolgirl with a conscience” whose one-person school strike just happened to capture the attention of the world and lead to her addressing the UN, the WEF, and the European Parliament, as well as being featured on the cover of Time magazine, which named her a “next generation leader”, meeting Barack Obama and Emmanuel Macron and being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize…
Cory’s forensic research revealed the key role of Callum Grieve, a “communications specialist” based in New York.
Grieve worked for five years for The Climate Group, which in 2014 launched We Mean Business in order to “catalyze action around climate change and bring it back to the top of the global agenda”.
Cohen declares: “We must shift our economies to create positive outcomes”.
Cory reported: “The founding partners of We Mean Business are Business for Social Responsibility, the B Team, Carbon Disclosure Project, Ceres, The Climate Group, the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Together, these entities represent the world’s most powerful corporations and investors”. [2]
It just so happens that on the very first day of Greta’s protest on the Stockholm pavement, August 20 2018, Grieve sent her a Twitter message declaring: “We’re right behind you. Stay strong”.
Another key figure exposed by Cory was Ingmar Rentzhog, the man who spoke to Greta on the pavement on that fateful day in August 2018 and tweeted to the world about it.
CEO of the climate campaign network We Don’t Have Time, Rentzhog is also, like Grieve, a PR professional.
According to the manufactured Greta myth, he came across her protest by chance while walking to work and it was this piece of luck which ensured her voice was heard so widely.
As journalist Frank Chung noted: “Despite its name, We Don’t Have Time did have time to produce a short film about Ms Thunberg, which it posted to Facebook the next day”. [3]
These “positive outcomes” are in fact the trigger for dividends in what he calls his “pay-for-success investment models”, and depend on full-spectrum real-time surveillance of all aspects of our lives using Fourth Industrial Revolution technology.
Cohen is a member of the United Nations Development Programme’s Global Steering Group for Impact Investment [27] and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are closely linked to the impact project.
They define specific areas in which governments should be taking action and require them to find money to pour into these issues.
The UN steering group boasts that its “transformational impact on lives around the world” will involve “opening up $12 trillion in market opportunities”. [28]
All the “woke” language used to describe these various impact agendas is thus nothing but window dressing for a vast financial coup, a scam of unbelievable proportions carried out against 99.9 per cent of humanity.
The central involvement of the United Nations tells us a great deal about the nature of the entity behind this scam.
The excellent English researcher Iain Davis describes it as “the global public-private partnership”. [29] But I have recently come to the conclusion that although this term is helpful as a stepping stone to understanding the scale of what we are up against, it is also slightly misleading.
It is misleading because the framing of the relationship between public and private as a “partnership” is that provided to us by those involved.
In reality, the public and private are not separate entities, but one and the same thing.
Thanks to countless decades of systematic corruption, private interests have entirely taken control of all the major public institutions, national and international.
Because this corruption cannot be admitted to the public, the notion of a “partnership” is used to explain away the fact that these two facets of the same entity are pursuing exactly the same agenda.
We urgently need to see the emergence of a new international movement of resistance against this toxic entity, given that it has successfully disabled and recuperated so many existing “radical” groups.
And I believe that the first necessary step we need to take if we are to effectively oppose the corrupt global entity is to recognise its existence.
It is important to say loudly and clearly that one single worldwide criminal network, the criminocracy, is, behind the scenes, running everything from the WEF to the WHO, the UN to the EU, BlackRock to the World Bank.
We then need to put each specific branch of its activities into that overall context, so that everybody can see how they are related, part of the same overall agenda.
In automatically being against everything that the fake-left says it is for, it ends up supporting the real agenda being advanced by the global system, the one they have hidden behind all the woke dogma.
We saw this recently with Robert Malone (pictured), the American scientist who apparently turned whistleblower against the mRNA “vaccines” he helped develop and is thus regarded by some as a leading dissident voice.
But in an article he published on July 18 this year, supposedly against “green colonialism”, he in fact peddled all the same imperialist “development” arguments which have long been used by the system, talking about African women being in “poverty” because they hand-wash their families’ clothes and, crucially, describing this as “a waste of human labor. Labor that could be put to better and more productive uses”. [33]
As authentic dissidents, if we challenge the climate narrative it is not because we don’t care about the Earth’s future or the effects of industrial society, but for exactly the opposite reason – that we can see that a “green” industrial-capitalist future would spell disaster for the natural world.
If we challenge the transgender narrative, it is not because we want to force people, in all their individual diversity, into narrow gender-based categories, but because we can see how the need for that diversity is being exploited by corporate interests and turned into a mutilation and lifelong drug dependency that represents the very opposite of personal freedom and self-fulfilment.
If we oppose 15-minute cities, it is not because we cheerlead car-culture and wouldn’t like to see a scaled-down localised world, but because we have understood that the project is a Trojan Horse to introduce the smart city digital concentration camps of the dystopian Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In parallel with our critique of the global entity, the criminocracy, we need to be advancing a positive philosophy based on values that may well, in truth, be shared by many of those who have currently been duped into following the official agenda.
The world is currently in the hands of what is nothing less than a psychopathic death cult, whereas our resistance is a force for life.
We need to be aware of that and to communicate that in all that we do and say, along with the joyful conviction that despite the darkness of the current era, it is life that will, eventually and inevitably, prevail.
As the title of our booklet declares: “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”.