Germany’s Economy Is Collapsing Following years of the ‘Climate Chancellor’s’ anti-energy policies

Meanwhile, Germany’s Economy Is Collapsing

For several decades after World War 2 Germany rebuilt and became the pride of Europe. Germany was an industrial powerhouse and its engineering was once again renowned as the best in the world.

Then came Angela Merkel, the “Climate Chancellor,” whose agenda was to quit fossil fuels AND nuclear power in favor of “green energy.” At every G8 meeting she preached no carbon emissions and a moratorium on oil, gas, and coal.

Here is a report issued yesterday:

Germany’s GDP fell by 0.2% in 2024, following a 0.3% contraction in 2023. Manufacturing saw a significant drop in output (-3%), with key sectors like machinery and automotive experiencing declines. The construction industry also struggled, with a 3.8% decrease in gross value added due to high construction prices and interest rates, though civil engineering grew.  Gross fixed capital formation dropped by 2.8%, especially in construction and machinery. Household consumption increased slightly (0.3%), with spending on health and transport rising. Government consumption grew by 2.6%, driven by higher social benefits. Foreign trade struggled, with exports down 0.8% and imports up slightly by 0.2%. 

The NYT reports Germans have some of the highest taxes in the industrialized world, with workers paying nearly half their income in taxes compared with an average of about 35% in other developed nations.

That’s a good way to stall out an economy.

