BIden’s EV policies: ‘Gavin Newsom will now decide what kind of car you’re allowed to drive’ – ‘40% of new cars sold in the U.S. will fall under Soviet-style production quotas set by government bureaus in Sacramento’ 22 days until we put an end to this nonsense. Washington Times (12/26/24) editorial: “Gavin Newsom will now decide what kind of car you’re allowed to drive. The Environmental Protection Agency last week granted California’s Democratic governor the power to forbid consumers from buying gasoline-powered vehicles across 18 states and territories — including Maryland, Virginia and the […]

Climate Cartel Frays: Goldman Sachs Exits Global Green Banking Alliance By Bonner Russell Cohen December 30, 2024 One month after the election of Donald Trump, and amid a deepening economic crisis in Europe, investment banking giant Goldman Sachs has broken ranks with a U.N.-sponsored coalition of high-end banks, dedicated to directing funds away from fossil-fuel projects worldwide. In abruptly walking away from the Net-Zero Banking […]

‘Nine dead whales in 24 days. One dead whale every 2.6 days’ – Dead humpback whale washes up on Long Island beach – ‘One of several…including a minke whale…& another humpback’

Dead whale December 2024 #DWD2024 Nine dead whales in 24 days. One dead whale every 2.6 days Two years ago @LICommFishAssn @CleanOcean @njcoast_protect @DefendBrig and @saveLBIorg wrote to @JoeBiden requesting a federal investigation when six whales had died on our shores in 33… — Bonnie Brady (@mtkblb) December 28, 2024 By Jorge Fitz-Gibbon […]

RIP: NPR: ‘Jimmy Carter’s legacy is seen in climate change action today’ – WaPo: If Carter had 2nd term, ‘we likely wouldn’t be having a climate crisis right now’

NPR: Jimmy Carter’s environmental legacy set the foundation for today’s climate action – December 29, 2024 – By Jeff Brady – NPR Excerpt: Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, died at his home in Plains, Ga., on Sunday. He was 100. …

Shortly after Carter took office in 1977, he delivered what has become known as the “sweater speech.” Sitting by a lit fireplace, he wore a cardigan sweater and addressed the country on television. “All of us must learn to waste less energy. Simply by keeping our thermostats, for instance, at 65 degrees in the daytime and 55 degrees at night we could save half the current shortage of natural gas,” Carter said. … 
Still, energy experts then were thinking about the possibility that oil and gas could run out. That prompted Carter to encourage alternative sources of energy. “He even put solar panels, famously, on the White House,” Jaffe says. … 
By the end of the 20th century, Carter wanted the U.S. to get “20% of all the energy we use from the sun.” The country still hasn’t reached that goal, though more than 80% of new generating capacity this year is expected to come from solar and battery storage.


Wash Post in 2021 rewrites history & reality: Reagan now blamed for ‘global warming’ – ‘If Prez Carter had gotten an extra term in office, we likely wouldn’t be having a climate crisis right now’

“Carter had these very farsighted views of how he wanted to solve the energy crisis, and it involved conservation, but also involved turning away from fossil fuels and turning toward renewable energy, things like solar power and other renewables,” said Jim Pattiz, 29. Carter put solar panels on the White House, and he called for “shared sacrifice” to confront energy shortages. But he couldn’t overcome voters’ frustrations with fuel prices and availability. The solar panels were removed during Reagan’s presidency. But Will Pattiz, 30, said time vindicated Carter. If “President Carter had gotten an extra term in office,” he said, “we likely wouldn’t be having a climate crisis right now.”

Watch: Morano on Tucker Carlson in 2022 on WaPo claiming a Jimmy Carter 2nd term would have solved ‘climate change’ – Morano: But here’s the thing. They are not going to learn. Academia has been calling these energy restrictions for decades. This energy policy, what have they done? “the Washington Post” a few months ago actually said that we – if Jimmy Carter had won a second term there would be no climate crisis. They lamented that Ronald Reagan won. To the academia and media elites, Jimmy Carter’s first term was a model, and that’s what they want to do and that’s what we’re facing here.


Fmr. Pres. Jimmy Carter smears skeptics as ‘nutcases’ – Calls for carbon tax as ‘the only reasonable approach’ -August 12, 2014