Why Are BBC Verify Spreading Disinformation About Methane?

Why Are BBC Verify Spreading Disinformation About Methane? By Paul Homewood h/t Paul Kolk Some UK social media users have been pouring milk down their sinks and toilets in protest at the trial of a new feed additive that claims to significantly reduce the emission of methane gas in dairy cows. Arla Foods, a Danish-Swedish company […]

UK Funds UN Crackdown On Climate Dissent – ‘Will bring together countries…to support joint efforts to combat disinformation’

UK Funds UN Crackdown On Climate Dissent By Paul Homewood Britain is one of the main financial backers for this attempt to stifle debate about climate change: The Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change is a joint partnership between the Brazilian Government, the UN Secretariat and UNESCO. Bringing together countries, international organizations, and stakeholders worldwide, it aims to […]

Pielke Jr.’s U.S. Hurricane Overview 2024: North Atlantic was active while most of rest of the world saw relatively inactive year – No trend in global hurricanes since 1980

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. excerpt: 

The IPCC actually concluded about trends in tropical cyclones: “There is low confidence in most reported long-term (multidecadal to centennial) trends in TC frequency- or intensity-based metrics . . .” … 

MIT’s Kerry Emanuel, who is more bullish on human influences on tropical cyclones than the IPCC or most of his peers, but also recognizes that current understandings are far from black and white:

“At present, there is little scientific consensus about trends in global or regional [tropical cyclone] activity, either in the past, as detected in observations or in climate model simulations, or in the future as our climate continues to change.” …

By all metrics, 2024 was a very active season in historical context — the 12th most active in the past 74 years or about the 85th percentile. The continental U.S. saw five hurricane landfalls — 2 major (Category 3+ = Helene and Milton) and 3 minor (Categories 1 and 2 = Beryl, Debby, and Francine). … 

The figures above show long-term trends in continental U.S. hurricane landfalls. The last 8 years have seen a lot of major hurricane landfalls. The 8 years before that saw none. Since 1900 there are no trends in either variable. …

North Atlantic hurricanes have not overall become more intense since 1900.

But what if you really, really want to show alarming, upwards trends? Here is what you do: Using ACE, identify the most inactive period for North Atlantic hurricane activity in the past 125 years. That happens to be the period 1970 to 1979. Then, start a trend analysis in 1970. Voila!

Pro tip: Start analyses of hurricane trends in 1970s to detect upwards trends. Attribute these trends to human causes and watch the publications, citations, media coverage roll in!

Continental U.S. Hurricane Landfalls by President

Finally, a bit of fun with some meaningless data. The figure above shows U.S. hurricane landfalls by president. President Biden sits in the middle of the pack with Presidents Harding and Eisenhower. A second term President Trump will have a chance to continue his efforts to best President Taft as the president with the most hurricanes during his term in office. President Obama’s record hurricane inactivity over his two terms is likely to stand for a while — Thanks Obama!

Meteorologist: Extreme Weather Isn’t Worsening & Climate Deaths Are Declining

Wrong, The Conversation, Extreme Weather Isn’t Worsening and Deaths Are Declining By Anthony Watts A recent article from The Conversation (TC), titled “COP29: Climate change could kill millions and world leaders must work to limit fatalities,” warns climate change is likely to cause millions of deaths. This is false. A critical examination of empirical data […]