By LawyerLisa
So literally the ‘grass roots’ movement of the people, is being funded by the uber elite of society. And we don’t think climate is a scam for our volunteering ourselves into our good night? Well it has a circle as a logo and a couple of triangles – usually a good sign it is a DEI infiltrated puppet corporation or entity for the globalist satanic elite.
According to Wikepedia:
“UK-founded global environmental movement
- Extinction Rebellion (abbreviated as XR) is a UK-founded global environmental movement, with the stated aim of using nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse. Extinction Rebellion was established in Stroud in May 2018 by Gail Bradbrook, Simon Bramwell, Roger Hallam, Stuart Basden, along with six other co-founders from the campaign group Rising Up!”
Ya hear that? It’s non-violent civil disobedience: civil? no. It is A PAID SHOW TO GIVE THE MOVEMENT SOMETHING THE NEWS CAN REPORT ON ABOUT ALL THE people Greta inspired.
NO. it’s the ultimate obedience. It is genuflection to the absolute power moving beneath the climate scam. Billionaire George Soros. These guys want us in our pens? and are funding ‘grass roots’ movements. pardon me. but I am choking on the absurdity of it.
According to wikispooks it is DEEPLY FUNDED BY ELITES. AKA NOT GRASS ROOTS, NOT CIVIL and not caring about the environment.
The demands that ‘government’ do something radical?
Well that get’s interesting too, if the same billionaires fund the politicians. We puppet hand of the civil disobedience, want you puppet hand of the government to act.
And we want it to be EXTREME ACTION says Extinction Rebellion.
That’s a video of Soros and Hillary.
per Wiki spooks
“Formation31 October 2018
• Roger Hallam
• Gail Bradbrook
interests environment, pollution, “climate change”
Sponsored by
A mass civil disobedience movement
Extinction Rebellion (XR) gets plenty of coverage from the corporate press, like the BBC and the Guardian, having led to accusations of XR being a controlled opposition or a front group trying to introduce what the ruling classes have already determined to be the best course of action for preserving their dominance and control.
“Impossible Rebellion”
On 4 September 2021, XR concluded its “Impossible Rebellion” after two weeks of actions, marches—and over 500 arrests. Up to a thousand people joined a March for Nature in central London and groups affiliated to XR including, Animal Rebellion, Ocean Rebellion and XR Doctors all joined the protest.
Activists carried signs with slogans such as “Can’t buy your way out of extinction” and “Stop the war on nature”. The protest assembled in Trafalgar Square and marched to Hyde Park for a closing ceremony. XR’s “Impossible Rebellion” has successfully highlighted key climate issues. And there are intense debates about how to win system change and confront capitalism.
Socialists have to be part of this movement. They must argue for mobilisations around the global climate strike on 24 September 2021 and action focused on Glasgow’s COP 26 international climate conference in November.[2]
A document published by the Guardian in 2020 shows that although acknowledging the movement as non-violent, the UK police have listed Extinction Rebellion as as “extremist” group under the PREVENT (Preventing Violent Extremism) programme. When asked about the document, Counter Terrorism Policing South East stated that “this document was produced at a local level to help our partners to spot the signs of vulnerability to radicalisation. By including Extinction Rebellion in this document, it gives the impression we consider them to be an extremist group, which they are not. We will review the guidance to make this clear.”[3]
Worldwide groups
The UK group has inspired similar ones worldwide, including in Australia[4] and Denmark.[5]
Gail Bradbrook,one of the co-founders, has spent the most of her career on the pay-roll of charities, NGOs and political ‘think-tanks’ (like the Blairite/New Labour IPPR)– to give ‘independent advice’ to government and help develop government strategies, policies and to define their objectives. Bradbrook joined the corporate funded Citizen Online Citizen Online in 2003 as “Director of Strategy & Partnerships”.[6]
In a longer analysis of XR, News from NowhereNews from Nowhere wrote:
There’s nothing whatsoever spontaneous or grass-roots about the ‘climate mobilisation’ that’s currently being promoted all over the mass media. Mirroring what happened with the ‘colour revolutions’, idealistic youth are simply being herded into pre-approved movements, to create the illusion of a popular mandate for what the ruling classes have already determined to be the best course of action for preserving their dominance and control: carbon taxation, ‘smart’ cities, the 5G/ internet of things surveillance grid, AI, depopulation, and new investment opportunities in what’s being called the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (‘renewable technologiesrenewable technologies’, dependent on very limited rare earth mineralsrare earth minerals and heavily polluting mining operations, combined with health-damaging microwave technologiesmicrowave technologies), as well as ‘carbon capture’/trading scams.[7]
Claire Wordlev, a conservation biologist and leading voice in Extinction Rebellion, supported the CIA-planned 2019 coup in Bolivia[8]
Large donors include the Rockefeller Philanthropy AdvisorsR(£120,000), The Childrens Investment Fund(£151,562), Climate Emergency Fund (£84,000),Bertha Foundation (£25,000), Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action (£10,000), Good Move gGmbH(£20,053), Stichting European Climate Foundation (£125,300), Furka Holding AG (£50,000).[9] George Soros made a donation of an unknown amount, a fact that ER has kept secret, even from its own staff.[10]”
ok so this is a total freaking scam created by rich puppeteers. None of these protestors would be there if they weren’t richly compensated or paid to do it. are they therefore actors with the belief system in climate change. or actors pure and simple.
the whole thing, DEI, ESG, carbon tax is the Globlist trope
They are paid by people so rich they use bitcoin to wipe their butts.
asking us to accept the
extreme action
their c40, netzero etc cults imbedded in our governments, want us to accept climate as the reason for our enslavement. They use ‘colonialism’ to distract us by making us look backwards. While now they move on our flanks. We have to ‘get line as comrades’ or worse.
DO WE DO THAT FOR THEM or brave the slings and arrows of their names.