YouGov survey: The Clean Energy Transition’s Voter Problem: They’re just not that interested

Excerpt: Findings from a new YouGov survey
When presented with a choice among three options—a rapid green energy transition, an “all of the above” energy policy, and emphasizing fossil fuels—American voters across demographics and partisanship strongly prefer an “all of the above” approach to energy policy including oil, gas, renewables, and nuclear. Less than a quarter support a rapid transition to renewables, which drops to under a fifth for working-class (noncollege) voters. Even among Democrats, support for a rapid transition is only a little over a third.
On extreme weather events, most voters have not accepted the apocalyptic reporting found in the media and pushed by climate activists.Most people hold views of trends in extreme weather events that are consistent with the most recent assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). They do not say they have personally observed an increase in hurricanes, floods, drought, or tornadoes which is consistent with the current state of scientific understandings. The exception is heat waves where, consistent with the IPCC, a majority report that they have observed an increase in such events.

American voters are reluctant to pay even a small amount to support climate action and this willingness drops quickly as the proposed small costs increase.

The Clean Energy Transition’s Voter Problem

They’re just not that interested

Voters expect an energy transition away from fossil fuels to lead to unexpected problems.

Overall, the public is much more favorable on both solar and natural gas than on wind, suggesting that the concept of “renewables” masks some important differences.

In terms of the energy they consume, cost and reliability are way, way more important to voters than possible effects on the climate.

.In terms of proposals to mitigate the effects of climate change, getting to “net zero” as quickly as possible is relatively unimportant to voters.

Voter interest in electric heat pumps, hot water heaters and stoves, as well as electric vehicles, is weak.

