Women Find A Solution To ‘Climate Change’ Anxiety


By William M Briggs

How about this breathless article title from JAMA (thanks to Stephen Shipman): “Medical Schools Are Updating Their Curricula as Climate Change Becomes Impossible to Ignore“.

“Climate change” is indeed impossible to ignore. Not changes in the climate, which are easy to miss, mostly because nobody can really see them, and the ones that can be seen aren’t that interesting. But “climate change” is right there on every propagandist’s lips every day. You couldn’t avoid “climate change” if you tried.

Still, it’s hard to see why medical schools would install “climate change” propaganda as a mandatory part of the curriculum. Don’t they already have enough bones and names of lucrative pills to memorize? What part of “climate change” is medical? Can you catch “climate change”? Maybe some develop a tic, treatable, one hopes, when a politician trying to sell “solutions” mentions “climate change”? Ask your doctor if “climate change” is right for you?

Third sentence in this erstwhile medical journal’s article on “climate change” begins, “George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officers…” Dude, even I know this isn’t “climate change”. Or is it? Must be, because they go on, “Suddenly…Zoom rooms were buzzing with conversations about social justice and health disparities.” Those must have been rousing discussions. “Saint Floyd died of metastatic ‘climate change’!”

By the time of Floyd’s deification, continues some female named Kline, who shows no evidence of having any training in the physics of fluid flow on a differentially heated rotating sphere, “it felt like climate change was already becoming inexorable”. If it’s inexorable, lady, then you don’t have to worry about stopping it. You can’t. You’ll soon be joining Floyd in the great Medical School In The Sky. “Climate change” is gonna getcha. It’s going to get all of us. Inexorably.

Maybe all this is medical after all (thanks to Tom Horrell for the tip). Take this headline: “Rising temps, rising anxiety: Climate change creates emerging mental health challenge“.

“Climate change” propaganda is having a terrible toll on the “mental health” of the nervous. Climate anxiety! It has struck down many already. See if your eyes don’t fill with salt water after reading this:

It hit Olivia Collins not long ago, The wave of worry surprised her since she’s immersed in the subject from working at Miami’s CLEO institute, which is dedicated to climate education and advocacy. The unsettling feeling suddenly washed over her after she read “The Light Pirate,” a novel set in near-future Florida about a child born out of a devastating hurricane who has to navigate a world undergoing frightening change.

The wave of worry that she professionally and dedicatedly for a long time concentrates her every waking hour on educating and advocating for surprised her.

I mean, how could she have seen it coming?

Let’s see what Experts have to say about climate anxiety. “Experts,” the article continues, “at Yale University,” and therefore the best kind of Experts, “define it this way: distress about climate change and its impacts on the landscape and human existence.” Impacts on human existence are one thing, but on the landscape, too!

[Climate anxiety] can manifest as intrusive thoughts or troubled feelings about the future of the world. Also called “eco-anxiety,” it can take the form of “eco-guilt,” a feeling of not doing enough personally, or even “eco-rage,” an elevated anger that everybody else isn’t doing enough to deal with looming threats.”

George Floyd choked to death on eco-rage?

Don’t scoff, because do you know what researchers have found? I’ll tell you what researchers have found. “Worries about what rising temperatures and seas will do to the world are increasingly common, researchers have found”. Amazing what researchers can found when they research, ain’t it.

Now it’s obvious that climate anxiety inexorably leads to climate grief. And once you catch that, well, there’s not much you can do. Except, says NPR, turn to a “new kind of chaplain”. One that specializes in the kind of witchcraft that dispels (good pun!) climate grief. Here are the thoughts of one of the witches:

“I just thought how on Earth are we ever going to get this problem solved if we can’t even talk about it and get good information from the newspapers that we think are the guardians of truth?” she said. “And then I just thought, ‘Wow, I am fried.’”

One toke over the line, my dear.
