Climate Fact-Check August 2024 Edition: Debunks ‘the biggest false claims made in the media’

Climate Fact-Check August 2024 Edition

By Steve Milloy

by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the biggest false claims made in the media in August, 2024. 

As has been the case for the past year, NASA satellite data has its “average global temperature” running warmer:

Meanwhile, the average of real-time surface stations measurements as presented by still has the Earth in a cooling trend since January 2015.

Now, on to this month’s fact checks.


Links: The Washington Post article, more details.

Links: The New York Times article, more details.

Links: Bloomberg News article, more details.

Links: The New York Times article, get more details.

Links: Bloomberg News article, more details.

Links: The New York Times article, more details.

Links: Wide Open Spaces warming post, Wide Open Spaces cooling post, more details.

Links: The Los Angeles Times article, more details.

Links: The Associated Press article, previous Fact Check link, more details.

Links: The New York Times article, more details.

Finally, we’ll close by noting that although the Washington Post bemoaned the US summer as “another brutally hot summer,” the average maximum temperature for the US in August 2024 was 2°F cooler than for August 1983. That’s 41 years of emission-driven warming down the drain.

Until next month, check out these and more fact checks at:

See you in October for the September Climate Fact Check!

Originally posted at, reposted with permission.

Steve Milloy

Steve Milloy

Steve Milloy is a recognized leader in the fight against junk science with more than 25 years of accomplishment and experience. He is the founder of and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute.
