German Youth Have Woken Up! Green Party Loses 83% Of Its Young Voters

German Youth Have Woken Up! Green Party Loses 83% Of Its Young Voters In Thuringia!

79% in Saxony!

Greens perform catastrophically in East German polls among youth, losing near 80% of support!

The Green Movement in Germany is in free-fall collapse!

Just a few short years ago, Germany’s youth overwhelmingly leaned to the Bündnis 90 die Grünen (German Green Party). Recall how Greta Thunberg’s movement was in the news everywhere, and FridaysForFuture was leading a major youth movement to a new future.

At one point, the German Greens moved to drop the voting age to 16, in a bid to capture even more votes. Some people were even speculating that Germany would soon see a Green Chancellor!

Nosedive in polls

Then, in 2021, the German Greens came into power in a coalition together with the SPD socialists and FPD liberals. Immediately they began to implement all kinds of their nutty green ideas and, for the first time, Germans began to realize just exactly what it all really meant: energy supply problems and economic woes manifested by high inflation, skyrocketing interest rates and the collapse of industrialization.

Visions of a green utopia suddenly turned into a dystopian nightmare and a bleak future outlook. All the hype surrounding the Greens melted away faster than a snowman in hell.

One age group that has since really woken up is the German U18 group, i.e. youths under age 18.

Thuringia: Greens lose staggering 83% of the youth support 

Today Kolja Barghoorn at his Aktien mit Kopf site here reports that a stunning 83% of the youth have since turned their backs on the Green Party in the state of Thuringia, where in September there will be critical state elections.

In Thuringia, 9000 youths under age 18 were asked in a survey who they would vote for. The winner by a huge margin was the conservative AfD party – by a long shot, pulling 37.4% of the vote – more than double compared to the 16.5% in 2019.

In short, the AfD has gone from 16.5% in 2019 to 37.4% today among youths under 18.

The formerly conservative CDU party was able to get only 17.8%, though an increase compared to 2019.

Ergebnis der U18-Wahlen in Thüringen Grafik: JF

Chart source: Junge Freiheit (JF)

Huge blow to the Greens

The real political bloodbath has occurred within the Green Party (Grüne). In 2019 the Greens pulled in 21.7% of the vote from youths. But in the latest results, only a measly 3.7% voted for them.

This means the Greens in Thuringia have lost a stunning 83% of their support from the German youth! 
