The claim of ‘world’s hottest day’ since 1940 eliminates from consideration more than 99.99999% of Earth’s history’ – Climate Fact-Check of ‘biggest false claims made in media in July, 2024’

Climate Fact-Check July 2024 Edition

By Steve Milloy

By: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the biggest false claims made in the media in July, 2024. 

As has been the case for the past year, NASA satellite data has its “average global temperature” running warmer:

Meanwhile, the average of real-time surface stations measurements as presented by still has the Earth in a cooling trend since January 2015.

More on this later. Meanwhile, here are 10 fact checks of media climate claims made in July 2024.

Links: The Associated Press article, more details.

Links: The New York Times article, more details link 1 and link 2.

Links: The Washington Post articlemore details.

Links: The Associated Press articlemore details.

Links: Reuters article, more details.

Links: Reuters articleTemperature.globalmore details.

Links: The Washington Post article.

Links: The Guardian articlemore details.

Links: The Washington Post articlemore details.

Links: The Associated Press article.

We heard a lot about how hot July was, from the “hottest day(s) on record” to Death Valley having the hottest month for any place on record. But funny thing happened on the way to the “hot” party.

Despite 600 billion tons of emissions and 12 years of urban heat island effect, July 2024 was cooler than July 2012 in the US in terms of average temperature and average maximum temperature. As the US is a non-trivial portion of the Earth’s surface, that’s no endorsement of the basic climate hoax that every emission warms and drives global warming.

Don’t forget to check out these great fact checks. Until next month…

See you in September for the August Climate Fact Check!

Presented by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), The Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the
International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Originally posted at, reposted with permission.

