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Update on ‘greenest Olympics’ ever! No AC, ‘vegan meat scandal’, hot buses & now: Eco-friendly ‘hard cardboard beds’ robbing sleep from athletes – ‘We haven’t had this amount of complaints about a village in Olympic history’ 

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton unpacks the scandal concerning Olympians being given vegan meals.

Sky News: ‘Unpacking the vegan meat scandal’: “While Paris has been busy spooking its carbon-friendly credentials, the push to go green has left many athletes seeing red:  ‘We haven’t seen this at Olympic Games before. We haven’t had this amount of complaints about a village in Olympic history.’ 
From hard cardboard beds to running out of meat in the athletes’ Village, Parisians are seeking to be more climate-friendly. They’ve shifted the focus from the athletes to poor conditions. But how much of it is about so-called sustainability, and how much is a bunch of cheap beds and bad food a cost-cutting initiative?”


‘A disaster’: Paris Olympics’ lack of ‘meat-based protein’ to lower ‘carbon footprint’ creates havoc: ‘Athletes complain about the lack of animal protein-rich diet’

