NYTimes: Collect urine to grow carrots. Really. – NYT: The next question is how to reuse human “waste.” Agriculture depends on industrial fertilizers containing phosphorus from mined phosphate rock. The mineral is quickly depleted and often extracted in dangerous regions, but phosphorous can also be recovered from urine.
NYT: P-BANK is a demonstration public toilet inviting people to donate their urine for the recovery of phosphorous for reuse as garden fertilizer. According to P-BANK’s instigators, Bauhaus University Weimar in Germany, an average serving of urine (300 milliliters, or about 10 fluid ounces) contains about 200 milligrams of phosphorous, which is enough to grow three or four carrots. — at least theoretically. As of now, only Switzerland has approved the use of Aurin, a liquid fertilizer made from human urine.
Related: Bill Gates brags: ‘I drank water made from human feces’