Professor says we can stop emissions with a pandemic that kills billions

Professor says we can stop emissions with a pandemic that kills billions By Jo Nova Death cult at nine Let’s just say, hypothetically, that someone wanted an excuse to reduce global population, or limit competing tribes and religions, there’s a scientific hat for that. Climate Change is the ultimate excuse for mass death — done […]

Tell the world, the Dutch tractor protests and a War on Net Zero won

Tell the world, the Dutch tractor protests and a War on Net Zero won By Jo Nova Six months after Geert Wilders won the Dutch election he has finally negotiated an agreement with a few minor parties to form government and the unthinkable has happened. The centre-of-the-road conservatives (referred to as “far right extremists”) got […]

Air Turbulence Scare Based On One Dodgy Study

Air Turbulence Scare Based On One Dodgy Study By Paul Homewood The whole of the media’s scare story that turbulence is getting worse hinges entirely on one single study, reported by Sky last year: In other words, it is largely based on just one spot in the North Atlantic, which shows an increase […]

BBC Blames Singapore Turbulence Incident on ‘Climate Change’

BBC Blames Singapore Turbulence Incident on Climate Change BY SALLUST A British passenger has died from a heart attack following a bout of very severe air turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore which had to divert to Bangkok. Over 30 people were injured mainly, it seems, because they were not wearing their […]