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Bye bye to 158 DC cherry trees over climate fears – UN vs. UN battle about ‘2 years to save world’ – Kerry declares you are ‘GREEDY’ – EU court rules ‘Climate inaction’ violates human rights

D.C. Cherry Blossoms Aren’t Safe Around Climate Activists! National Park System to cut down 158 cherry trees to make room for a seawall so D.C. can ‘withstand about 100 years of future sea level rise UN vs. UN: UN climate chief declares humans have ‘two years to save the world’ – But UN scientist rubbishes […]

‘Spirit Whales’ (which ‘no-one believes exist’) hold up Australia’s most expensive energy project

“If the gas project was to go ahead, the Spirit Whales would be endangered. And if the Spirit Whales were killed, none of the creatures of the sea would know what do to. Short of Aqua Man stepping in to save the day, the planet would be sunk. How did the Federal Court know all of this? Raelene Cooper! Ms Cooper, or as her activist friends like to call her, the Custodian of Whale Dreaming, speaks to the Spirit Whales. And they speak to her. Seriously. This was in evidence presented to the Federal Court.”

Net Zero Leaves U.K. Paying Five Times More for Electricity Than China BY DR JOHN FERNLEY The United Nations established the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change in 1988 and in 1995 the first climate change Conference of Parties (COP1) was held in Berlin. There has been a COP meeting every year since then, apart from 2020 when covid intervened. Last year COP28 was held in the […]