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New Jersey Plastic Bag Ban Followed By ‘near tripling of plastic consumption’ Governor Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) and New Jersey state legislators touted a new law banning plastic and paper shopping bags at stores when they enacted it in 2020. According to a new study, however, passage of New Jersey’s anti-plastics law has been followed by a near tripling of plastic consumption at Garden State checkouts. “Plastic bags […]

Analysis: ‘Hurricanes have not become more intense’ since 1980 based on ACE or Accumulated Cyclone Energy combining frequency & intensity By ROGER PIELKE JR. This post is co-authored with Ryan Maue, whose Weather and Climate Substack I highly recommend. —RP Excerpts: In 2012, Jessica Weinkle, Ryan Maue and I published in the Journal of Climate the first climatology of global landfalling tropical cyclones of at least hurricane strength. Since then, Ryan and I have updated the time series every […]

Coming Soon: Lockdowns to Save the Environment? By Kristin Tate Many Americans are only now beginning to realize the devastating impacts that COVID lockdowns had on our society, as many businesses struggle still to recover and children try to catch up with missed learning opportunities. But what if the pandemic was just a trial run for more drastic restrictions and lockdowns […]

Toyota Chairman Says Electric Cars Will Never Dominate Global Market – Will Only Reach 30% max of market

Toyota Chairman Predicts Battery Electric Cars Will Only Reach 30% Share # BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, JAN 23, 2024 – 08:00 PM Toyota’s chairman and former CEO, Akio Toyoda, is at it again: providing the public with a dose of reality that electric vehicles will never dominate the global car market. Toyoda, grandson of […]