Claim of fastest, hottest rate of warming for ‘millions of years’ debunked ABC-News (USA) By Jo Nova It’s just another day in the hottest ever hyperbole race. The most unprecedentedly unprecedented record where more scientists on Earth than ever before, forget more of the Pleistocene than they ever have in history. We know it was hotter in the Holocene, hotter in the Eemian, and hotter for most […]
Kenyan Biologist Mordecai Ogada: ‘The carbon credit story is — and I don’t say this lightly — is probably the biggest scam to ever be visited on mankind in history’
Kenyan Biologist Mordecai Ogada: "The carbon creditstory is — and I don't say this lightly — is probably the biggest scam to ever be visited on mankind in history" — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) January 6, 2024 2020: Kenyan Biologist: Nature Conservation Is ‘New Colonialism’ — Africa ‘A Place For White Elitists To Enjoy’
Craig Rucker on Fox & Friends on New York offshore wind fail What they’re not telling you: “There is substantial grass roots opposition to these projects coming from commercial fishermen and those upset about their impact on marine mammals and in particular whales.” That is giving them pause as to whether or not they can continue their operations.”