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Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: Alarms about climate change ‘are delusions’ – ‘This can be compared to the time of the witch hunts’

Albrecht Glatzle William Happer visited Paraguay last week on invitation of the Federation of Production Cooperatives FECOPROD. He gave several presentations and talked to political and technical decision makers (including the head of state Santiago Peña). Here are two short, but very clear press statements following his visit, which went viral in the social media. […]

ROGER PIELKE JR.: ‘Saving the planet, one COP (UN climate summit) at a time’ – Next stop Dubai! – ‘Climate is now a full-scale industry, with fortunes & careers to be made’

Pielke Jr.: “Global Climate Policy Hasn’t Made Much Difference on Energy Transitions” … “COP28 is expecting 70,000 participants, more than double those of COP27. Climate is now a full-scale industry, with fortunes and careers to be made, and perhaps lost.”


Pielke Jr.: “This week the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change kicks off in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Accompanying the conference will be an onslaught of climate news, information, reporting, propaganda, misinformation, marketing, spin, science and the science-like… Along with the climate industrial complex comes massive vested interests, ranging from the financial to the professional to the political.”

‘CO2 readings from Mauna Loa show failure to combat climate change’ – Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide data more than double last decade’s annual average Just above this column on the weather page of the Guardian’s print edition is the daily atmospheric carbon dioxide readings from Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the acid test of how the world is succeeding in combating climate change. A week before the 28th annual meeting of the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention opens […]

Watch: MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen suggests ‘sadism’ driving climate policies: Alleged solutions ‘have had no impact on CO2…but they make people poorer, make society less stable’ – Full Transcript

“The minute you hear ‘the science is settled,’ you know something is wrong. Science is never settled,” says Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at MIT. Lindzen added, “And you see these policies have had no impact on CO2. So they have done nothing to prevent this alleged existential threat, except make people poorer, make society less stable, less resilient. And you can only account for that with either ignorance or sadism.” 

Lindzen: “Science is a mode of inquiry. “The science,” is science as authority. Political figures, people not in science, have often noticed that science has a certain authority with the public and they want to co-opt it, so they bring in the term, ‘the science’, which is how they view science. But that isn’t what science is. Science is always open to questioning. Science depends on questions, and depends on being wrong. When you say science cannot be wrong, you’ve choked off science.”