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Biden smeared climate skeptic Nobel laureate at White House Oval Office meeting for practicing ‘right-wing science’ – Video

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Nobel laureate Dr. John Clauser revealed his 2022 meeting with Biden at the Deposit of Faith conference in Baltimore on November 14, 2023.

Watch Video here: 2022 Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser was invited to a one-on-one meeting with President Biden in the Oval Office at the White House in 2022 after winning the Nobel in Physics.

Biden asked Clauser which policies he disagreed with:

Clauser explained that he told Biden: “Well, the top of the list is climate and US energy policy. And Biden grumbled, ‘Sounds like right-wing science.'”

Watch video here: Clauser also told the Deposit of Faith press conference today in Baltimore:  “As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is not in peril. This is good news. I believe there is no climate crisis. The alleged atmospheric CO2 and methane have a negligible effect on the climate.”

Clauser rips “totally dishonest climate misinformation from NOAA” and added, “I can very confidently assert that there is no climate crisis.”

Dr. John Clauser, the 2022 Nobel Prize-winning physicist will join other climate skeptics to counter Pope Francis’s climate claims

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Washington Post: 2022 Nobel Prize in Winner in Physics declares his dissent: – ‘I call myself a climate denier’ – 

Washington Post: ‘He won a Nobel Prize. Then he started denying climate change.’ John Clauser shared the Nobel in physics last year. Now he’s a self-described ‘denier’ of the overwhelming scientific consensus on a warming planet.
Washington Post: The other speakers included Marc Morano, a former Republican congressional staffer who runs a website that rejects mainstream climate science, and Alex Newman, a journalist for right-wing media outlets who has called for exposing the “climate scam.” Both men took multiple jabs at former vice president Al Gore and his 2006 documentary about the dangers of climate change.