Pope Francis rebukes ‘irresponsible’ USA on climate change compared to China, says world’s at ‘breaking point’

https://www.foxnews.com/world/pope-francis-rebukes-irresponsible-us-climate-change-compared-china-says-worlds-breaking-point By Danielle Wallace Fox News Pope Francis issued a new call for climate change action on Wednesday, when he slammed the United Stated in particular as “irresponsible” on emissions compared to China. “The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point,” the pope wrote in the 12-page “Laudate Deum,” which means […]

Pope Francis updates climate encyclical warns of ‘point of no return’ – AP: Pope’s report ‘read more like a UN scientific report or a speech to a ‘Fridays for Future’ youth climate rally’

Associated Press: The document, “Praise God,” was released on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the pontiff’s nature-loving namesake, and was aimed at spurring negotiators to commit to binding climate targets at the next round of U.N. talks in Dubai.…In an update to his landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment, Francis heightened the alarm about the “irreversible” harm to people and planet already under way 

He took square aim at the United States, noting that per-capita emissions in the U.S. are twice as high as China and seven times greater than the average in poor countries. While individual, household efforts are helping, “we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” Francis said. …

Francis weighed in on a key and contentious point of negotiations — whether countries should agree to a phase out of coal, oil and natural gas, the fossil fuels that are causing climate change. He is for it. As fast as possible even, he wrote.

He lamented that “the necessary transition towards clean energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, and the abandonment of fossil fuels is not progressing at the necessary speed.” 

Even though encyclicals are meant to stand the test of time, Francis said he felt an update to his original was necessary because “our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point.”

“It is no longer possible to doubt the human – ‘anthropic’ – origin of climate change,” he asserted.


Reality Check to Pope Francis: 2015: The Climate Skeptic’s Guide To Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit: Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming)

2015 Special Report: ‘Unholy Alliance’ – Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate


Biden Treasury Dept Report claims ‘climate change’ could impose ‘substantial financial costs’ on U.S. household finances – But it is Biden’s climate POLICIES that are already imposing substantial costs

CNBC: Climate change is expected to impose “substantial financial costs” on U.S. households in the coming years, according to a new report by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. … 

Flooding and wildfires can damage businesses, forcing employers to furlough or lay off staff, the Treasury Department found. …

Recurring hazards such as wildfires or heat waves could reduce the available jobs in certain sectors, leading to long periods of unemployment for people. … 

The financial threat is secondary to a more existential risk given the dire climate conditions anticipated. … 

Climate change-caused disruptions to supply chains could lead to soaring prices on certain products, the Treasury Department finds. … 

Droughts, floods and extreme temperatures will likely create food shortages and make prices at the supermarket increase. …

Households may see their energy bills rise too as climate change worsens.


Climate Depot’s Morano: “The Treasury Dept report is complete nonsense. The report claims that ‘climate change’ will have ‘substantial financial costs,’ create unemployment, food shortages, inflation, and make energy bills rise. The Treasury report has it completely backward: it is the Biden administration’s climate & energy policies that are already having ‘substantial financial costs,’ creating unemployment, food shortages, inflation, and making energy bills rise.”

Scientific Reality Check: 2023: Definitive Guide to Extreme Weather: No trends or declining trends in hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, heat waves, disaster losses, wildfires – All peer-reviewed & official sources – By Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.

2021: ‘A lie is born’: Extreme weather expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. rips media’s false claim that ‘1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer’ – Pielke slams ‘spectacular…quality control problems in climate journalism’