What the media won’t tell you about extreme weather and its impactsHere is a thread of some of the figures I’ve posted in recent months about extreme weather that I have never seen in legacy media reportingAll peer-reviewed and official sources . . .
IPCC finds no trends in flooding globally…
The IPCC finds no long-term trends in meteorological or hydrological drought…
The US government’s official metric for heat waves comes from a paper I co-authored more than 20 years ago. It shows an increase since ~1960s but a decrease since <1930s…
During the past 50 years, when heat waves have increased, mortality from extreme heat has fallen pretty much everywhere in the US…That is good news!
Let’s keep it up
IPCC, WMO, UNNCA are all in agreement
No upwards trends in landfalling hurricanes, including the strongest storms. Have you ever seen these graphs in the media (aside from Bill Nye and his sharpie;)…
US disaster costs
As a proportion of GDP US disaster costs have gone down
More good news!…
European disaster costs
As a proportion of GDP European disaster losses have gone down
Even more good news!…
Global weather and climate disaster losses
As a proportion of GDP global disaster (weather and climate, but also overall) have gone down
Great news!…
This century the number of disasters tracked by EM-DAT has not increased, in fact down a bit
Important to understand why so that progress with respect to the Sendai Framework can be maintained!…
US tornadoes
Reports of the strongest US tornadoes (EF3+) which cause ~70% of death and destruction are down in the long and short terms
Damage from tornadoes supports the data on falling numbers of the strongest tornadoes
Both inflation-adjusted and normalized tornado losses have decreased…
Normalized US hurricane losses
As we would expect with no up-trend in US landfalls there is no trend in normalized US hurricane losses since 1900…
Global hurricane landfalls
Lots of ups and downs over 70+ years but no overall trend
Global hurricane energy
More ups and down but no trend since 1980
No trend since 1980
Storms are not getting stronger but…
Is consistent with what has been reported in the IPCC & found in official data and the peer-reviewed literatureShhh … don’t tell anyone
If you want to understand what the science of extreme weather, climate and disasters actually says, please sign up to The Honest Broker
Amazing to me that some of the things I write about you cannot find anywhere else
So I’m not gonna stop