41% of French population is in favour of a proposal to limit everyone to 4 flights in their entire life.
59% of 18-24 year-olds agree.2 return flights. Not per year: per life.https://t.co/3HctPDkUb2
— Stanley Pignal (@spignal) September 28, 2023
HERE study: The French and the proposal for a quota of 4 flights per person in a lifetime
On May 30, engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, an expert on climate change, once again called for drastically limiting plane travel, and declared the need to establish a quota of 4 flights per person in a lifetime. Numerous reactions followed, for and against this proposal.
While the carbon footprint of the aviation sector is regularly singled out in the fight against global warming, and the reduction in the use of aircraft is often cited as one of the measures having the greatest impact on on an individual scale, HERE and the CSA Institute wanted to take stock of the French’s relationship with airplanes. They have just carried out a survey among the French on a possible restriction of the use of airplanes to fight against global warming and to anticipate the depletion of resources.
A majority of French people ready to reduce their use of planes
Questioned by the CSA institute, 64% of French people aged 18 and over say they are in favor of reducing their use of airplanes in the medium term for environmental reasons (including 40% completely in favor). This share peaks at 72% if we focus on those under 35, and at 77% of French people taking a plane (17% of French people surveyed do not take a plane).
“ We are certainly declarative, these intentions must pass the test of facts declares Philippine van TICHELEN, General Director of HERE . But these figures show a very clear majority in favor of a reduction in the use of the plane. Ecological awareness is obvious, in a context where natural disasters worsened by global warming (extreme heatwaves, fires, etc.) themselves have repercussions on the vacation plans of the French in Greece and Italy in the very short term… Added to this is also the impact of inflation and the increase in the cost of air travel, which in the medium term is directing the French towards other modes of transport for their travel. »
In this sense, the proposal by engineer Jean-Marc JANCOVICI to limit each person to 4 plane journeys over a lifetime is rather well received since 41% of French people say they are in favor.
We once again find a higher score among those under 35 (48%).
“While the 18-35 year old period is often a period conducive to discoveries, to first initiatory journeys, this age group turns out to be the quickest to engage in a very reasoned use of the plane: close to the half of them are in favor of JM Jancovici’s proposal, and this rises to 59% of 18-24 year olds , specifies Philippine van TICHELEN. »
Conversely, Ile-de-France residents are less favourable: only 33% (and 43% would not be at all favourable). “A surprising figure, which could be explained by the fact that Ile-de-France residents are more often required to take the plane for their professional trips, and therefore that the remaining share for their personal trips on the quota of 4 flights per life per person would be even more reduced, argues Philippine van TICHELEN. »
The top 4 destinations in case of air flight quotas
If this measure were adopted, the French would mainly turn to 4 countries on 3 different continents: the United States (31%), Canada (14%), Japan (13%) and Australia (11%).
In terms of organization, travelers would spread their 4 flights over a fairly concentrated period of around 5 years for 24% of them, 40% over a period of 10/15 years , and 28% over a period of 20/ 30 years. Logically, those aged 65 and over would organize their flights in a more concentrated manner over 5 years (41%).
This study was conducted by the CSA Institute and carried out online, on July 18, 2023, with a representative sample of 1,010 French people aged 18 and over, constituted using the quota method.
Press contact: Philippine van Tichelen / 06 79 86 84 93
About HERE
HERE is the Vivendi group’s offering dedicated to supporting global tourism players in their post-COVID transformation and restart challenges. It draws on all of the Vivendi group’s assets – including the Havas group, Prisma Media (GEO and National Geographic France), Gameloft, Canal+, Editis (Lonely Planet France), Banijay – to deploy a unique hybrid approach, combining expertise in consulting, communication and marketing, and experiences.
About CSA Research
A pioneer in data intelligence since 1983 and marketing mix modeling since 2004, CSA Research provides companies and institutions with a detailed understanding of opinion, behavior and predictive marketing solutions in France and internationally. CSA, led by Yves del Frate CEO, has been part of the Havas group since 2015. www.csa.eu
CSA x HERE study

Consumer Science & Analytics (CSA): (Via Google translate) Engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, an expert on climate change, once again called for drastically limiting plane travel, and declared the need to establish a quota of 4 flights per person in a lifetime…
HERE and the CSA Institute have just carried out a survey among the French on a possible restriction of the use of airplanes to fight against global warming and to anticipate the depletion of resources. Questioned by the CSA institute, 64% of French people aged 18 and over say they are in favor of reducing their use of airplanes in the medium term for environmental reasons.
Philippine van TICHELEN, General Director of HERE. “These figures show a very clear majority in favor of a reduction in the use of the plane. Ecological awareness is obvious in a context where natural disasters worsened by global warming (extreme heatwaves, fires, etc.) themselves have repercussions on the vacation plans of the French in Greece and Italy in the very short term.”
We once again find a higher score among those under 35 (48%)…and this rises to 59% of 18-24 year olds.
This study was conducted by the CSA Institute and carried out online, on July 18, 2023, with a representative sample of 1,010 French people aged 18 and over, constituted using the quota method.
Great Reset By Marc Morano – Chapter 12 Excerpt: ‘COVID Lockdowns Morph to Climate Lockdowns’