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Even Biden’s Own Green Team Admits EVs Are ‘Not Sustainable’: ‘Replacing all the vehicles in the world with EVs is not sustainable’

Jigar Shah, the Department of Energy bureaucrat working with political boss John Podesta to dole out $300 billion in loan guarantees for green energy projects:

When even Biden’s own climate change zealots admit that EVs won’t work to stop global warming, you know you have another green policy flop coming. Here is an unusually forthright statement from Jigar Shah, the Department of Energy bureaucrat working with political boss John Podesta to dole out $300 billion in loan guarantees for green energy projects:

The Biden administration is conceding that we can’t replace all the 250 million internal-combustion vehicles in America with EVs — even if Americans wanted to buy them — which they don’t.

So much for the Net Zero fantasy.

And so much for the fantastical claim by the Biden Admin. and CBO that the $300 billion in green energy loan guarantees will result in no losses for taxpayers.




Jigar Shah, the Department of Energy bureaucrat working with political boss John Podesta to dole out $300 billion in loan guarantees for green energy projects:
