Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends – The climate ‘psychological operation’ is beginning – NYT claiming vacations are a thing of the past due to climate is an attempt to restrict ‘freedom of movement’

Fox and Friends - Fox News Channel - Broadcast August 6, 2023 Morano: "This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They're trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they're giving up our freedom of movement...What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme -- because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. this is insane, unscientific, silly."



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Fox and Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast August 6, 2023

The climate ‘psychological operation’ is beginning, warns Marc Morano – Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano reacts to a New York Times article claiming that climate change is going to end summer vacation, and a California bill allowing competing environmental factions to kill off eagles in order to save the planet.


Morano: This is the COVID PSYOP ending and the climate PSYOP beginning. This is the New York Times signaling that the ruling class is telling us that vacations are now a thing of the past. They’re trying to set our mindset to give up on vacations. And they’re giving up our freedom of movement.

The New York Times is suggesting because of the extreme weather which, by the way, even the United Nations says — hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, & wildfires are not on increasing trends on climate time scales of 30 to 50, 100 years. The media has to hype a single day as the hottest day in 100,000 years. It wasn’t anything related to that. They claim we have ‘boiling’ oceans — Not happening in Florida. It turns out it was one thermometer in dark, murky water that the meteorologist on site said was not representative of ocean temps. They’re doing everything to weaponize the weather, and now they are coming after vacations.

What the New York Times is claiming is that somehow people have to stay home, and it is literally in the article suggesting people need to huddle around their air conditioners at home because the weather is too extreme — because our previous travel has made the earth uninhabitable. this is insane. unscientific, silly.

Morano on endangered species: You would think endangered species would be the number one priority of the environmental movement,  but no. Green energy politics trumps endangered species. I got back from being 25 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard — off Newport, Rhode Island on a whale protest against the offshore wind off the coast of New Jersey and New York, and Connecticut. And we were joined by a few environmentalists, but they’re willing to lose whale species and bird species all at the alter of this green agenda.

Morano on Great Food Reset: John Kerry has sights on the United States they’re going after high-yield agriculture with nitrogen fertilizer, and John Kerry is saying this is all coming to the United States. Bill Gates is the largest single farmland owner in the United States. We have farmers losing their farms because of climate ‘compliance regulations,’  which means that small, family-run farms will no longer exist. It is all going to the big corporate, equity asset, billionaire-owned or Chinese-owned agriculture. This is a bad move for the world. We’re going to be dependent on the people who say that they want us to basically go nowhere be happy, and we will be pushed to eat lab-grown meat made in a steal vat in petry dishes and printed on a 3D printer. That’s Bill Gates’s stated goal of his vision of American agriculture.

Rachel Campos-Duffy: Marc, we have to bring you back to break that down further. I think this is one of the most important topics. And we’ll definitely going to have you on my podcast from the kitchen table. We’re looking at you booking you to talk about this particular topic. This is unbelievable, and it’s coming. Marc, always great having you. Thanks for joining us today.

Morano: Thank you, Rachel.



New York Times claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point’

CNN commentary: ‘Vacations as we know it are over’ due to ‘climate change’ – ‘Holidays abroad need to be decoupled from flying’

Bald & Golden Eagles Sacrificed at the Altar of California’s Green Agenda – SB 147 will allow competing environmental factions on the left to kill off eagles in the name of saving the planet
