2023 Record Food Harvest: ‘World will likely produce more cereals (wheat, corn, rice etc) than ever before’

https://twitter.com/BjornLomborg/status/1683058695830159360 Global impact of climate on agriculture: negative but small With no climate change, global agricultural production from 2010-50 increases by 55% With strong climate impacts, it 'only' increases 53% 2°C policy leads to even lower increases bc costly policies: increases 48% pic.twitter.com/h4dIsOzxUn — Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) July 23, 2023  

Ford’s losses on electronic vehicles are now projected to hit $4.5 billion in 2023

https://thepostmillennial.com/fords-losses-on-electronic-vehicles-are-now-projected-to-hit-4-5-billion-this-year By Sara Higdon he Ford Motor Company revealed in its second-quarter financial results on Thursday that a $4.5 billion loss has been projected for its line of electric vehicles (EVs). Almost twice as much as its $2.1 billion loss on its Model E division in 2022. Despite the losses in EVs, Ford posted a $1.9 billion net income bringing in $45 billion […]

Depot Ranked #2 in 2023 Survey of Top 11 ‘Climate Deniers’: ‘Morano’s influence in shaping public opinion on climate change is significant’

https://www.beforetheflood.com/top-climate-deniers/ Frank Thornton – June 30, 2023 Climate change, a multifaceted behemoth of an issue, casts a long shadow over our planet and the generations yet to come. It’s a puzzle that demands our utmost attention and understanding. Yet, it’s also a subject that has been entangled in a web of controversy and misinformation. Amidst […]