Modern Ships Revert Back to the Age of Sailing — to Save the Climate! Cargo ships set to use ‘sails to help shipping sector meet its carbon reduction goals’ – ‘Giant kites could pull cargo ships across the ocean’ Scientists propose new strategy for modern sails to help shipping sector meet its carbon reduction goals July 3, 2023 Researchers have identified a strategy that can offset the random and unpredictable nature of weather conditions that threaten carbon emission reduction efforts in the shipping sector. Erratic weather is a major source of concern for […]
‘Could we do with less ice?’: Scientific American touts climate-inspired ICE CUBE restrictions! Mag pushes end to ‘unsustainable’ ice cube practices & urges ‘Climate-friendly Cocktails’
First, they came for your energy, then your meat, car, dishwasher, 2 1/2 hour plane flights, then your pizza & now… YOUR ICE! Scientific American: 'Climate-friendly Cocktail Recipes Go Light on Ice'@RWMaloneMD Robert W Malone MD, MS: "Who pays for a magazine like… — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) June 27, 2023 Robert W Malone MD, […]
Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on Biden admin attempts to block the sun in fight against climate change – ‘Radical, risky, unproven’ & talks gas-car bans
Fox & Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast July 2, 2023 – Joey Jones publisher Marc Morano reacts to a White House report signaling the openness to block sunlight in the fight against climate change and Americans opposing the phase-out of gas cars amid Biden’s EV push. #foxnews Rough Transcript: Marc Morano: […]