The London Times features image of Morano, Musk & Milloy – Climate Depot cited as one of most influential climate skeptic sites on Twitter

The London Times features our own Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) as one of the most influential climate skeptics on Twitter, with this graphic at the top of their story on the issue with Morano, Milloy, and Elon Musk! Read more: — CFACT (@CFACT) April 20, 2023 London Times graphic: Morano, Milloy and Musk! […]

Morano: ‘Self-appointed earth saviors seek to manage every aspect of our lives’ A Technocratic Superclass of Earth Saviors seek to manage every aspect of our lives By Jo Nova Now rice controls the weather too: Meat, dairy and rice production will bust 1.5C climate target, shows study Damien Carrington, The Guardian Emissions from food system alone will drive the world past target, unless high-methane foods are tackled. […]

What the hell is ‘plant-powered food’?! NYC Mayor to Cut Carbon Emissions by Cutting Off Food Climate Alarmists continue their descent into the horrors of the Khmer Rouge Daniel Greenfield, in Front Page Magazine, writes. The American Left is just Pol Pot in slow motion. The global warming scam is just an excuse to take everything away from you to save the planet. Everything? Yes, everything. New York City Mayor Eric Adams […]

Wrong, Mayor Adams, Monitoring & Limiting Food Choice Curtails Freedom, but It Won’t Stop Climate Change

Linnea Lueken: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has targeted “emissions intensive” food consumption for tracking and gradual government-mandated limits, in order to reduce the city’s alleged climate change impacts. … The “household consumption tracker” will detail all the emissions involved in the production, transportation, and consumption, of common household items, especially food. The mayor’s […]

Energy Dysphoria: Listen: Morano criticized for trans-energy analogy: ‘It is easier to transition your gender than it is your energy’ – ‘We need to stop being energy-phobic!’

  Listen below: Morano responds to criticism of his trans-energy comparison on his daily segment of The Morano Minute on TNT radio: # Watch: Morano on Dan Bongino’s Fox News show: ‘I think it’s easier to transition your gender than it is to transition to green energy’ Morano on OAN TV on Energy Dysphoria: “So if […]