Great Car Reset: Biden’s EPA to release strict new fed emissions standard to ‘move U.S. car market decisively toward electric vehicles’ – ‘Up to 2/3’ of cars sold mandated to be EV by 2032 (CNN) — The US Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to release strict new proposed federal emissions standards for light-duty vehicles that, if implemented, would move the US car market decisively toward electric vehicles over the next decade. The EPA is considering emissions standards that could make up to two-thirds of new passenger vehicles sold in the US electric […]
China uses more coal than all other nations on earth combined & shows zero signs of changing course
Another single chart showing the utter futility of the "energy transition." China uses more coal than all other nations on earth combined, and its usage is projected to continue rising for the foreseeable future. It has no "net-zero" goal until 2060, and its coal emissions… — David Blackmon's Energy Absurdity (@EnergyAbsurdity) April 10, 2023 […]
Bill Gates wants to be your nutritionist! Wants Cows to Eat Bromine-Containing Seaweed – ‘Bromine is a toxin having long-term effects’ on humans By Igor Chudov Bill Gates is a fortunate businessman whose investments are unusually well-timed. Bill helps his investees succeed in a peculiar manner not available to regular investors like you and me. For example, he invested in a German startup BioNTech just three months before the start of the Covid pandemic. (BioNTech never produced any approved vaccine before […]
GOP urged to denounce ‘alarmist’ UN climate change report By Elizabeth Elkind | Fox News A recent memo sent to every Republican member of Congress is urging lawmakers to dismiss the United Nations’ “alarmist report” on climate change. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently called on wealthy nations to move up its net-zero emissions goal from 2050 to 2040. But a memo sent by the […]