The IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report Summary for Policy Makers is pure politics, focused on the weakly justified WG2 and politicized WG3 reports.
For a blow by blow account of the policy makers involvement in this, see this report by the…
— Judith Curry (@curryja) March 23, 2023
Sky News – Bolt Report – Broadcast March 21, 2023
Andrew Bolt of Sky News Australia: What do you think we should do about global warming?
Dr. Richard Lindzen: “Nothing.” … “Point of fact, I don’t think there’s any threat on the horizon.” … “If you truly believed that it was an existential threat. Then the only thing you could do is build up your resilience. And building up your resilience means making more people wealthier because we see throughout the whole world if you are a poor country, if you’re not resilient, natural disasters cause immense damage, pain, suffering, so on. In the developed world, similar disasters caused much less damage. So your aim would be resilience. Instead, we’re choosing to make ourselves less resilient. And that makes no sense. at all, no matter what you believe. Point of fact, I don’t think there’s any threat on the horizon. And the best thing to do is to make society wealthier.” …
“This has nothing to do with climate.”
Climate Tipping Points date back to at least 1864
“As early as 1864 George Perkins Marsh, sometimes said to be the father of American ecology, warned that the earth was ‘fast becoming an unfit home for its “noblest inhabitant,”’ and that unless men changed their ways it would be reduced ‘to such a condition of impoverished productiveness, of shattered surface, of climatic excess, as to threaten the depravation, barbarism, and perhaps even extinction of the species.’” —MIT professor Leo Marx
Politico: The final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) sixth major assessment of the state of the climate — due to be released Monday — was originally scheduled to land in October 2022. But the report’s publication was delayed, a move the IPCC at the time blamed on “operational reasons.” The delay upset countries, scientists and green campaigners who had counted on having the report in hand going into global U.N. climate talks in Egypt in November. …
Delegates at the September meeting bemoaned the fact that the so-called “synthesis report” — which pulls together findings from three previous chapters on the physical changes, global impacts and mitigation of global warming — would miss the opportunity to add impetus to the discussions at the COP27.
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: There is public anger over the UN IPCC’s so-called ‘science’ report being delayed for months and not available to be used for political purposes during the UN climate summit in Egypt in November 2022. Kudos to Politico for correctly characterizing the UN climate process as a ‘shitshow.’ This is more evidence that these UN IPCC climate reports are nothing but political lobbying reports designed to influence politicians and the public, not present unbiased science. Note: Climate Depot’s Morano attended that Egypt summit in person. See Nov 2022:Watch: Morano’s 40 min. report from the UN climate summit in Egypt on Climate Trace, Great Reset, WHO, Reparations, & Hypocrisy
&2019: Morano testifies to Congress on how UN reports are ‘authoritative propaganda’– Morano: “I have attended nearly every United Nations environmental summit since 2002, including the Earth Summits in Johannesburg South Africa and Rio in Brazil. I publicly debated the UN IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri at the 2006 UN climate summit in Nairobi Kenya. I have conducted interviews with UN IPCC scientists and documented how the UN twists and hypes and distorts science in order to push a political agenda.”