Shellenberger: Biden War On Energy Helps China, Saudi, & Venezuelan Dictators By Michael Shellenberger President Joe Biden ran for and was elected president in 2020 by promising to stand up for human rights. He attacked President Donald Trump for not doing more to pressure Saudi Arabia. Biden came out for “stronger multilateral sanctions” on Venezuela. And he denounced Chinese Premier Xi Jinping as a “thug” and promised to “unite […]
Media declares ‘Climate foes push Great Reset conspiracy theory’ – Cite Morano’s book & CSPAN TV speech warning of using climate policy to ‘collapse’ U.S. society By Scott Waldman Excerpts: People being forced to eat bugs. Confiscated cars. Cities going dark as electric lights are turned off. Climate lockdowns. Welcome to the conspiratorial world of the “Great Reset” theory. Its followers claim that government officials want to impose draconian lockdowns similar to the worst days of Covid-19 in order to cut […]
The new Global Temperature Pause is 8 years 2 months long – & counting
Special to Climate Depot By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The only reliable global-temperature database, the University of Alabama at Huntsville’s satellite record kept by Dr John Christy and Dr Roy Spencer, who designed, built and operate the satellites and process and publish the data, is exactly 44 years old this month. It shows there has […]
China’s ‘Zero-COVID’ Repression Is What Happens When You Give All Power to the Scientific-Technocratic Elite Jarrett Stepman China’s “zero-COVID” folly is reaching a boiling point. Many in Western media once praised China’s response to the pandemic, which began in the city of Wuhan. That’s looking absurd now as the nation plunges into dysfunction and chaos. Not only has COVID-19 infection escalated dramatically in China, but the Communist government’s entire model of […]
Analysis: ‘The Science’ is used as a bludgeon to compel behavior’ – Listen To The Science!’ Is Scientism — Means ‘Listen To Me!’ BY BRIGGS Our culture is saturated in scientism. Scientism comes in various forms. One is the belief that all knowledge is scientific — which is a proposition that is itself not scientific, and therefore self-refuting. Which is to say, it is false. That embarrassing correction has been pointed out many times. There’s more to say […]
Jane Fonda: Racist, Misogynistic ‘Mindsets’ Causing Climate Crisis – ‘If there were no racism, there would be no climate crisis’ Friday on MSNBC’s The Beat, anti-American activist and former actress Jane Fonda claimed ludicrously that racist and misogynistic “mindsets” are causing the “climate crisis.” Anchor Ari Melber began, “What do you think about the progress made and the progress being unwound when you look at the court’s decision in Roe [v. Wade], which we know turned out […]