Teen climate activist school skipper admits flying to Fiji after urging restrictions on airline travel: ‘We would have to apply to have, like, approved events to be able to fly for’ – Only ‘necessary travel’

‘It Is Pretty Ironic’: Radio Interview With Teen Climate Activist Goes Sideways In 3… 2… 1…

A radio interview with New Zealand teen climate activist Izzy Cook went sideways when Heather du Plessis-Allan, Host of Wellington Mornings, challenged the 16-year-old on the reality of her own carbon footprint.

Cook, who helped organize Friday’s School Strike 4 Climate, hit the streets with hundreds of others in Wellington, Christchurch, New Plymouth, and Auckland — where they demanded that the government step up and address climate change “for the crisis that it is.”

“This year for our strike we’re focusing specifically on agriculture,” she said. “Two of our demands are our main focus: ban synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and halving the herd of cows in NZ … the government is just not doing enough.”

Cook spoke with du Plessis-Allan about the strike — and about climate change in general — but the interview took an interesting turn when the topic turned to air travel.


“So we would have to apply to have, like, approved events to be able to fly for,” du Plessis-Allan prompted.

“Well, that’s one thing that you could look at doing,” Cook replied.

“Am I allowed to go to Fiji? Is that necessary?” du Plessis-Allan asked.

“In the current climate crisis, I don’t think that that’s necessary travel,” Cook said, but du Plessis-Allan immediately pushed back.

“When was the last time you were on a plane?” she asked.

Cook paused briefly before answering, “Um … I’m not sure. A few months ago, to be honest.”

“Where’d you go?” du Plessis-Allan asked.

After another long pause, Cook answered: “Fiji.”

“Izzy!” du Plessis-Allan burst out laughing then, chastising the teen activist. “Izzy! Don’t you care about the climate, Izzy?”

“Of course I care about the climate,” Cook insisted — to which du Plessis-Allan replied, “Not enough.”

“You went to Fiji!” the host said again, still laughing. “Izzy, come on, mate! Are you serious?”

After another lengthy pause, Cook conceded, “It’s pretty ironic. It is pretty ironic, but to be honest, it’s not really a trip that I wanted to go on, but I can’t really get out of it.”

Cook then clarified that her parents had planned the trip and told her that she had no choice but to go along.

The host continued to press Cook about the trip, asking whether she was embarrassed that her parents had taken such a trip and forced her to take part in it — and whether or not she’d had a “terrible time.”


Heather du Plessis-Allan should be ashamed of how she bullied my daughter
