So here is something that you probably never heard about. You may have heard before about wind turbines being dangerous to birds. Birds are being chopped up by the blades.
But did you know that the wind turbines are killing millions upon millions of insects every year as well? In fact, the number of insects killed by this so called ”green” energy source is staggering.
A whopping 1 200 billion insects (or 1.2 trillion) are being smashed to pieces by the wind turbine blades every year. This is bad. And this figure is for the wind turbines that are in Germany alone. If you would combine the number of killed insects of all the wind turbines in the world, you would get truly frightening numbers.
But wait.
You know all those people that want you to stop eating meat to save the animals, well, maybe they would want to save all these trillions of insects? I guess not.
In fact, so many insects are being squashed by these blades that it is leading to significant energy losses. Every insect weighing about 0.1 grams means that all these insects are adding 1200 tons of weight on the turbines, meaning that they are loosing large amounts of potential energy they could produce.
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It is actually so bad that a study done all the way back in 2001 found that the dead insects on a wind turbine could reduce energy production by a whopping 50%
There are even companies out there that specialize in cleaning the wind turbines from dead insects using cranes and helicopters. So we need helicopters driven by fossil fuel in order to keep the wind turbines in working order. Genius. That will keep the CO2 emissions down for sure!
And did you know that wind turbines actually need oil for lubrication in order to function? Weird how they didn’t tell you about that…

July 17th 2022
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The insects are dying.
Let us take a look at German nature reserves. There it is reported that the number of insects have fallen by around 75% in around a 30 year time period. This is bad.
Now I’m no expert on insects. It is important to note that the number of insects killed by the wind turbines are not that much compared to the total insect population, but considering that the wind power turbines are killing 1.2 trillion insects every year, I don’t think that is helping the situation.
”Approximately 1200 billion flying insects are struck each year as they fly through the rotors of wind farms in Germany. Such a large number of affected insects could be a relevant factor for the stability of the insect population and could thus influence species protection and the food chain.” says Franz Trieb from the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
So it could be that the wind turbines are affecting the insect population, yet we hear nothing about this from the climate change fanatics that are pushing for these ”green” wind turbines.
Well, they do seem to have something against bugs as they seemingly want to push for us all to eat the bugs all the time…So perhaps not so surprising they don’t care about bugs being smashed up by wind turbines either…
“From the currently available figures and the DLR model calculation, we cannot conclude either that wind energy plays a significant role in the reduction of insect numbers, or that it has no impact. From a scientific point of view, an empirical examination of the losses theoretically calculated in our study would be very useful as a next step. The goal must be to better understand the relationships between insect migration and wind farm operations.” Franz Trieb said.
So here we have a possible real environmental problem and it is not being talked about much at all in the media.
In other words, more research needs to be done to find out the impact of wind turbines on insects.