Meteorologist Joe Bastardi rips media misinformation about heatwaves – EPA analysis ‘ranks 1936 as the worst on record’

By Joe Bastardi

Here is the headline from the Daily Mail: REVEALED: The satellite images that show how triple-digit temperatures blanketed the US in July, putting 150 MILLION Americans under extreme heat warnings and killing dozens.

I wonder what would have happened if there was no air conditioning.

Here is July:


Pretty warm.

But look at 1980:


And 2012:


And 2011:


Heck, lets look at 1933,’34,’35, ’36, and ’54:


Now look at this little ditty:

“An EPA analysis compiled from 1895 through 2015 ranks 1936 as the worst on record, with an index value of 1.255. The hottest year in recent decades, 2011, has an index of 0.285. In 1936, some areas experienced 22 heatwave days and maximum temperature anomalies that exceeded 6 degrees Celsius.”

This July was nowhere close to 2011.

Don’t think there is a meteo misinformation media? Think again.


  • Joe Bastardi is a pioneer in extreme weather and long-range forecasting. He is the author of “The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won’t Hear From Al Gore — and Others” which you can purchase at the CFACT bookstore. His new book The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate war can be found here.
