SEC’s Climate Falsehood Threatens American Economy Gregory Wrightstone – 24 June 2022 The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) risks destroying the economy by installing a falsehood as a principle driver of governance for American business. By proposing that companies to take extraordinary measures to account for climate risks, the SEC embraces a false climate emergency based on a premise that emissions […]

The next climate change target: Cement By JAZZ SHAW When it comes to battling climate change, all of the eco-warriors out there will be quick to tell you what the real threat to the future of the world is. It’s fossil fuels, right? Oil, coal, natural gas… they are all working together behind the scenes to bring down […]

Recent Greenland Cooling And Only ‘Limited Retreat’ Of Glaciers Since The Little Ice Age By Kenneth Richard More evidence surfaces showing Greenland isn’t cooperating with the global warming narrative. The notorious “Climategate” e-mail exchanges between activist scientists like Drs. Phil Jones and Tom Wigley revealed how grave a concern it was in 2004 that “GREENLAND HAS BEEN COOLING SIGNIFICANTLY” since the 1950s. “…a warming trend occurred in the […]

Let Them Eat Bugs: Scientists Urge Africans to Eat Baked Goods Made of Insects – Meatloaf made out of flies By JOHN HAYWARD A group of scientists called the Malabo Montpellier Panel published a report in May that encouraged Africa to develop a “sustainable bio-economy” through such innovative techniques as making muffins and meatloaf out of flies. The report, titled Nature’s Solutions: Policy Innovations & Opportunities for Africa’s Bioeconomy, is the latest installment in the bizarrely persistent […]

More Sea Level Porn: Claims of 200,000 homes underwater due to climate change debunked By Paul Homewood Yes, it’s Whack-A-Mole time again! Nearly 200,000 homes and businesses in England are at risk of being lost to rising sea levels by the 2050s, a new study has warned. Researchers said the country could face around 14 inches (35cm) of sea level rise compared to historic levels within 30 […]

Joe Bastardi: ‘We are marching straight into communist economic policies of USSR & China — using a phony climate war to do so’ By Joe Bastardi I stated in a previous blog that three books were dovetailing into the real reason behind what we are seeing, and perfectly depicted in Mark Levin’s excellent book (redundant term when it comes to Mark), American Marxism. Alex Epstein’s first offering as an author in The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, basically renders the entire […]

The Biden agenda ‘succeeding’ at doing harm By Duggan Flanakin Delusional Americans mock the failures of the Biden Administration – in Afghanistan, on stopping COVID, on rebuilding the US economy, energy policy, inflation, uniting the people, food security, immigration, and more. But they miss the point. Joe Biden is not here to SAVE America. He is here (whether he […]

Energy shortages & inflation the new norm as refinery closures outpace construction By Ronald Stein With worldwide refinery closures outpacing new construction, shortages and inflation are likely to be the new norm that inflicts regressive expenses upon those that can least afford it, as control of the worldwide refining industry shifts to Asia and Euro As the world has become impassioned with increasing its […]