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Russia Exporting More Oil Than Before War’…India, China Snapping Up Tankers Of Oil At Large Discounts By P Gosselin Meanwhile western countries are getting pummeled by inflation, shaky supply chains, economic pain.  German energy site Blackout News here reports that Russia’s oil exports remain unfazed despite the embargos by western countries. “In the second month of the war on Ukraine, Russia exported more oil than a year earlier, despite the oil embargo, notes […]

New Study: Half The 2000-2019 Global Ocean Warming Has Been From Internal Fluxes, Not Surface Forcing By Kenneth Richard Since 2000 there has been a natural reduction in net air-sea fluxes at the same time there has been rapid warming in the Indian Ocean. This affirms anthropogenic surface forcing cannot explain the recent warming in at least half the global ocean. The Indian Ocean covers approximately 20% of the ocean surface, […]

Comedy Gold: How To Cope With Your ‘Climate Anxiety’ By Francis Menton Every day you read how the “climate crisis” is real, and rapidly getting worse. Humans burning fossil fuels to support out-of-control consumerism have brought the earth to the brink of disaster. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and plagues of every sort are proliferating. Of course, you are feeling all the natural […]