But they will be saving the planet! ‘25% of British households won’t be able to pay energy bills’
https://mailchi.mp/aff9171a5bae/25-of-british-households-wont-be-able-to-pay-energy-bills-188090?e=0b1369f9f8 Energy cost crisis A quarter of British households won’t be able to pay energy bills by October 1 April 2022 1) Energy cost crisis: 25% of British households won’t be able to pay energy bills by October Manchester Evening News, 1 April 2022 2) Boris Johnson opens the door for a fracking revival The […]
Biden’s plan to starve America of fossil fuels – ‘A Green New Deal would make America almost totally reliant on China’
https://www.cfact.org/2022/03/27/bidens-plan-to-starve-america-of-fossil-fuels/ By Paul Driessen Presidential candidate Joe Biden repeatedly promised to end fossil fuels in America. There’ll be “no more drilling, including offshore,” he said. “No ability for the oil industry to drill. No more pipelines.” Shortly after reaching the White House, President Biden ended Keystone XL pipeline construction and began working with congressional Democrats, regulators and […]
Biden irresponsibly drains Strategic Petroleum Reserve by 1/3
https://www.cfact.org/2022/03/31/biden-irresponsibly-taps-strategic-petroleum-reserve/ By Craig Rucker President Biden announced that he will tap into America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and will consume one third of it in an attempt to control rising gas prices. This is as irresponsible as it is dangerous. Following the Arab oil embargo of the 1970’s, the SPR was built in salt caverns in […]
Watch: Nancy Pelosi reveals madness of climate agenda: ‘We cannot allow the fossil fuel industry to use this [war] as an excuse to reverse everything we are doing to save the planet’
https://www.eenews.net/articles/biden-to-unleash-oil-reserves-use-wartime-power-to-boost-mining/ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) welcomed Biden’s announcement today and suggested to reporters that Democrats are increasingly weighing a “use or lose it” policy for energy companies holding federal leases for production who don’t use them. She said another possibility is assessing a fee on energy companies who hold federal leases but don’t pursue […]
Pelosi: Rebate Cards, Payments Being Considered to Fight Gas Costs – Calif may give car owners $400 debit cards & Chicago to give free gas & public transit cards via lottery
https://www.newsweek.com/nancy-pelosi-gas-prices-rebates-payments-1693867 After gas prices in the United States spiked to record highs this month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a refund might be on the way. During a Thursday press conference, the idea of giving Americans rebate cards or a direct payment was brought up, to which Pelosi said “those are things that are being considered.” […]
Ukraine War Overwhelms Biden’s Climate Agenda
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/biden-embraces-oil-ukraine-war-210652922.html (Bloomberg) — President Joe Biden delivered his strongest endorsement of oil on Thursday, ordering an unprecedented release of emergency U.S. crude in a move that gambled his climate-saving credentials on lowering gasoline prices in an election year. If the strategy works, Biden may help stave off both a recession and crushing defeats for his […]