by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
Imagine an organization well versed in science, engineering, and economics, that could beat environmental extremists at their own game. A group that would actively engage students on campuses across America to promote free-market principles and sound environmentalism. An entity that would directly confront climate alarmist group-think right inside UN conferences around the world. A group that would organize and run high-profile stunts, even parachuting into the enemy’s camp with banners proclaiming truths that mainstream media hide from the public.
Wouldn’t it be a refreshing change if such bold and outspoken actions were taken by an organization that actually knew what they were talking about, instead of the same tired, misguided environmental campaigners who so often dominate the headlines?
Well, such a group does indeed exist—the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, better known as—and we will interview CFACT’s dynamic president Craig Rucker on our radio show The Other Side of the Story to be broadcast on February 6, and 7 at 11 am and 8 pm Eastern Time.
CFACT was founded in 1985 by David Rothbard and Craig Rucker to promote a positive voice on environment, energy, and world development issues. Primarily funded by private citizens across the U.S. (they have never sought or received money from governments), CFACT believes that the power of the free-market system, combined with the applications of safe technologies, could offer humanity the best, most practical solutions to many of the world’s pressing concerns. A number of leading scientists, academics, and policy leaders soon joined their effort, along with thousands of citizens from across the country.
Today, this Washington D.C.-based group is highly respected, and its voice can be heard relentlessly infusing the environmental debate with a balanced perspective on environmental stewardship. With an influential and impressive scientific advisory board, an aggressive CFACT “Collegians” program, United Nations representation, internet and social media presence, Adopt-A-Village project, and the Climate Depot news and information service, CFACT offer genuinely positive solutions to today’s global challenges. Climate Depot, led by CFACT’s irrepressible Director of Communications, Marc Morano, a veteran of intense climate debates around the world, is truly the “go-to” source for the latest in climate realist news. Marc played King Louis (still from the film above) in CFACT’s superb 2020 documentary film, “Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy.”
Cover Image: King Louis (the incomparable Marc Morano) from CFACT’s documentary film.
Not surprisingly, the organization has been termed “invaluable” by the Arizona Republic. It has been lauded for its “effort to bring sound science to the environmental debate” by a former president of the National Academy of Sciences, and it has been praised by a respected Boston Globe columnist for “a record of supplying absolutely solid information.”
At the heart of CFACT’s mission is the goal “to enhance the fruitfulness of the Earth and all of its inhabitants.” The Committee accomplishes this through four main strategies:
- Prospering Lives. CFACT works to help people find better ways to provide for food, water, energy, and other essential human services.
- Promoting Progress. CFACT advocates the use of safe, affordable technologies and the pursuit of economic policies that reduce pollution and waste and maximize the use of resources.
- Protecting the Earth. CFACT helps protect the Earth through wise stewardship of the land and its wildlife.
- Providing Education. CFACT educates various sectors of the public about important facts and practical solutions regarding environmental concerns.
Every weekday at, you will see up to a dozen original essays posted by some of the world’s leading scientists and educators on topics, including those listed below. Long before we began our work for America Out Loud and the International Climate Science Coalition, we kept ourselves informed of the latest in sensible science-based policy via the pages of
Here is what CFACT covers: