Socialist Propaganda: Biden Report Links Illegal Immigration To Climate Change ParlerFacebookTwitterFlipboard This is the perfect example of the phrase “peeing on our legs while telling us it’s raining.” On Thursday, the White House released a report (embedded below) linking the unprecedented levels of illegal immigration to the unproven climate change hypothesis. Using the words Senator Manchin (D-WV) used about the story that he is […]
Shellenberger: Greta said ‘I want you to panic’ & nations did. They over-invested in unreliable weather-dependent energy & under-invested in reliable energy. Now, energy shortages are forcing poor to choose between food & electricity’
Germany, Sweden, the US and other nations replaced their nuclear plants with fossil fuels, contributing to global energy supply shortages As a result, what turned out to be “dangerous and expensive” wasn’t nuclear, it was Greta Thunberg & her anti-nuclear climate movement — Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) October 21, 2021 This isn’t the first time […]
UK Guardian: ‘The climate disaster is here – Earth is already becoming unlivable. Will governments act to stop this disaster from getting worse?’ by Oliver Milman, Andrew Witherspoon, Rita Liu, and Alvin Chang The enormous, unprecedented pain and turmoil caused by the climate crisis is often discussed alongside what can seem like surprisingly small temperature increases – 1.5C or 2C hotter than it was in the era just before the car replaced the horse and cart. These temperature thresholds will again […]
CFACT experts, Climate Hustle 2 film make big impact at Heartland Climate Conference in Vegas By Adam Houser | Above: CFACT president Craig Rucker addresses conference attendees regarding CFACT’s film, Climate Hustle 2. Prominent skeptical climate scientists, experts, authors, and activists gathered from around the world to attend the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) in Las Vegas, Nevada. CFACT cosponsored the event, and was proud to have several […]
Here we go again! 2021: Unless we act on climate change, DC will be underwater – Flashback: Virtually same flood fears were reported in 2014, 1990, 1979, 1922 & 1901!
Imagine seeing the Lincoln Memorial surrounded by churning Potomac waters, or only being able to access the Pentagon by boat. This is what D.C. might look like if the world continues its current greenhouse gas emission levels: — DCist (@DCist) October 21, 2021 This Is What Climate Change Will Look Like In […]
Joe Biden Boasts Plan ‘to take literally millions of automobiles off the road’ by Putting People on Trains Joe Biden Boasts Plan to Take Millions of Vehicles off Highways by Putting People on Trains By CHARLIE SPIERING President Joe Biden revisited his love of trains during a trip to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, promising to get millions of vehicles off the roads. “We will take literally millions of automobiles […]
‘Junk keyword survey’: Climate purity alarm goes ding! 99% of scientists ‘believe’ because the others got sacked By Jo Nova The new Climate Consensus is just a junk keyword survey. Climate change is a branch of science that’s immature, complex, and has error bars a hundred miles wide. If 99% of scientists say the same thing, it’s a cult, not a science. The climate is not man-made but the irrelevant consensus […]
September 2021 Ocean Temps Return to Mean by Ron Clutz The best context for understanding decadal temperature changes comes from the world’s sea surface temperatures (SST), for several reasons: The ocean covers 71% of the globe and drives average temperatures; SSTs have a constant water content, (unlike air temperatures), so give a better reading of heat content variations; A major El Nino […]
Will Obama Deny the ‘Obama Scientist’ at Glasgow UN Climate Summit? Physicist Koonin puts the former president’s demagogy in new light by JACK CASHILL October 20, 2021, 11:42 PM Next week Barack Obama will ignore the inherent paradox in flying to a climate summit and join thousands of other progressive jet-setters in Glasgow. Obama cannot claim ignorance about the paradox. In his 2019 memoir, A Promised Land, he admits to the unfortunate optics of his trip to […]
Fossil fuel production set to soar over next decade – UN warns it will be ‘incompatible with keeping global temperatures to safe levels’ By Matt McGrath Plans by governments to extract fossil fuels up to 2030 are incompatible with keeping global temperatures to safe levels, says the UN. The UNEP production gap report says countries will drill or mine more than double the levels needed to keep the 1.5C threshold alive. Oil and gas recovery is set to rise […]