‘Concentration of land ownership’: The controversy over Bill Gates becoming the largest private farmland owner in the US

  https://www.vox.com/recode/22528659/bill-gates-largest-farmland-owner-cascade-investments  Gates’s landownership has attracted particular attention because the billionaire has tried to make a name for himself in climate advocacy. Gates is currently promoting a book on the subject, and has positioned himself and the Gates Foundation as a leader in what the future of agriculture should look like, especially in regard to technology. One […]

NBC News: ‘Farmers turned into renters’ as Bill Gates becomes the ‘nation’s largest farmland owner’ – Uses ‘shell companies…a web of at least 22 limited liability shell companies’ – McDonald’s french fries come from Gates farmland

NBC News Investigative Tech Reporter April Glaser in June 9, 2021 NBC News video segment: “Local farmers I spoke to in south Georgia and north Florida said Gates is doing the same thing that Big Ag did before he got there. He uses a lot of fertilizer that leaches into the rivers and causes big […]

Ridding the world of fossil fuels will drive humanity back to medieval times

  https://www.cfact.org/2021/06/10/ridding-the-world-of-fossil-fuels-will-drive-humanity-back-to-medieval-times/ By Ronald Stein |June 10th, 2021|Energy|39 Comments “We are going to get rid of fossil fuels” said President Biden. For the first time since Harry Truman was president 70 years ago, America recently had more energy exports than imports. Now, under the Biden climate plan, America will be discouraging U.S. energy independence, starting with suspending […]

Dutch court gets climate science wrong

  https://www.cfact.org/2021/06/09/dutch-court-gets-climate-science-wrong/ By David Wojick |June 9th, 2021|Climate|48 Comments A recent Dutch Court decision is getting international attention because it commands climate action. The case itself is like angels on a pinhead, so of little interest. Shell Oil proposed to cut CO2 emissions by 40% and the Court made it 45%, both targets being stupid. The real […]

Bill Gates: Stop shutting down nuclear reactors & build new nuclear power plants to fight climate change

https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/11/bill-gates-bullish-on-using-nuclear-power-to-fight-climate-change.html As some nuclear power companies continue to shut down nuclear reactors for reasons ranging from economic woes to safety concerns, Bill Gates is bullish on nuclear power as a clean energy solution to climate change. Gates, who is also an investor in nuclear power, told the Nuclear Energy Institute’s Nuclear Energy Assembly on Wednesday that the […]

Watch new Morano Minute: High gas prices make Biden Administration smile

  https://www.cfact.org/2021/06/08/watch-new-morano-minute-high-gas-prices-make-biden-administration-smile/ Sick and tired of biased reporting on climate change? You’re not alone. To help counter the misinformation across digital media, CFACT is launching it’s new “Morano Minute” series, a weekly installment featuring host Marc Morano, founder and editor of CFACT’s ClimateDepot.com, to delve into the climate news and analysis you won’t get anywhere […]

17 year cicadas ‘shocked’ by failed climate predictions

  https://mailchi.mp/cfact/17-year-cicadas-shocked-by-failed-climate-predictions?e=a504314008 By Craig Rucker Brood X cicadas have emerged in full force from Tennessee to New York. My family can’t make it from the house to the car without encountering them. Even President Biden was swatting them away as they clogged a charter jet preparing to fly to the G7 meeting in Europe.  The White House […]

Biden honeymoon with climate activists has ended: Youth group Sunrise Movement protests at White House

  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-climate-sunrise-movement-protest_n_60b94bcee4b0169ca972db88 President Joe Biden’s honeymoon with climate activists looks set to end Friday as Green New Deal activists descended on the White House to demand that the administration abandon plans to water down its landmark infrastructure proposal. On Friday morning, a few dozen Sunrise Movement volunteers and staffers rallied outside the White House to […]