Are you ready to ‘rewild’ you country!? SCOTLAND COULD BECOME THE WORLD’S FIRST ‘REWILDING NATION’. HOW DID THEY GET HERE? By Rosie Frost Over the last 50 years, two-thirds of the world’s wildlife has been lost. Around 40 per cent of plant species are threatened with extinction and scientists say we may be losing them faster than they can find, name and study them. Our world exists in a balance and, with so many […]

‘Environmental justice’ debunked: Analysis: Nope… PM2.5 does NOT disproportionately affect people of color

More #FakeNews feeding the 'environmental justice' hoax: "Almost All Types of Air Pollution Disproportionately Affect People of Color." Total nonsense. Debunked: via @business — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) April 28, 2021 By Steve Milloy A new EPA-funded study reports that people of color are disproportionately affected by PM2.5. It’s too stupid for […]

Yes, climate activists want to reduce your beef consumption by Henry Olsen Columnist President Biden isn’t a “Hamburglar,” no matter what you might have heard. That doesn’t mean that red meat isn’t on climate activists’ menu. Cutting consumption of beef and other red meat is a top priority of any serious climate change program. That’s because cows and other ruminant animals, such […]

Bastardi: ‘The words from John Kerry & Gina McCarthy reveal this is not about climate, but about using climate as a means to an end’ We should take them at their words By Joe Bastardi I suppose I should be grateful for people like John Kerry and Gina McCarthy because their very words back up the premise of my book, The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War. For their words reveal this is not about climate, but about […]