‘New Reality’ of climate change or better detection technology? NOAA moving up hurricane season outlook to May 15 from June 1
https://earther.gizmodo.com/noaa-acknowledges-the-new-reality-of-hurricane-season-1846388592?utm_source=earther_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2021-03-03 NOAA Acknowledges the New Reality of Hurricane Season By Molly Taft We’re one step closer to officially moving up hurricane season. The National Hurricane Center announced Tuesday that it would formally start issuing its hurricane season tropical weather outlooks on May 15 this year, bumping it up from the traditional start of hurricane season on June […]
‘Hierarchical modeling’ study: Climate Change May Reduce Children’s Diet Diversity – Hotter temps have negative impact on the diet diversity
https://eos.org/articles/climate-change-may-reduce-childrens-diet-diversity By Christian Fogerty 2 March 2021 When it comes to improving nutrition in marginalized communities, education and infrastructure are some of the first investment targets that come to mind. But these kinds of efforts are not sustainable unless they take into account the differing impacts of climate change on local communities. In a new study published in Environmental Research […]
National Climate Assessment Lead Author Hayhoe Is Now Fossil Fuel Funded Warmist – Joins Billion-Dollar Dark Money Lobbying Group
https://climaterealism.com/2021/03/national-climate-assessment-lead-author-hayhoe-joins-billion-dollar-dark-money-group/ By James Taylor Activist climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, who served as a lead author of the federal government’s most recent National Climate Assessment, has accepted a position as chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy, a billion-dollar dark money environmental activist group. Joining The Nature Conservancy so soon after serving as a lead author for the National Climate […]
Study: A trillion trees will cost nurseries billions & they ‘can’t grow nearly enough seedlings’
https://www.eenews.net/greenwire/2021/03/03/stories/1063726517?utm_campaign=edition&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eenews%3Agreenwire By Marc Heller, E&E News reporter The push to plant billions of trees in the United States to fight climate change is about to run into a supply chain snafu: Nurseries can’t grow nearly enough seedlings. Nurseries would need to more than double their production, to 3 billion seedlings a year, to reforest even […]
Which is it? ‘Climate change’ causes horses to both grow fat & shrink!
The case for “climate change” causing horses to grow fat: UK Telegraph: Climate change is making horses fat as it’s causing an abundance of grass to grow, top vet warns – 2019 Climate change is making horses fat From The Telegraph Climate change is making horses fat as it’s causing an abundance of grass to […]
Statistician: Why ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Is Most Useless Number You’ve Never Heard Of
As the Biden administration is looking to bring back the SCC to policymaking, here’s a flashback to my congressional testimony laying out WHY the SCC is the most useless number you've never heard of https://t.co/dZSqqXgIFR pic.twitter.com/gykBtxb4fo — Kevin D. Dayaratna, Ph.D. (@kdd0211) March 4, 2021 https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/03/02/why-social-cost-of-carbon-is-most-useless-number-youve-never-heard-of/ By Kevin Dayaratna On his very first day in […]
Watch: ‘The Great Reset Summit’ – Episode 1 with Marc Morano – Merging COVID & Climate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88jMsnnn2NA Canada First with the Grizzly Patriot The Great Reset Summit! Premiere Episode! Marc Morano – Marc Morano is the executive editor and chief correspondent for ClimateDepot.com, a global warming and eco-news site founded in 2009. He served for three years as a senior adviser, speechwriter, and climate researcher for Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., and […]
Ka-Ching! Biden sparks clean energy lobbying frenzy
https://www.eenews.net/energywire/2021/03/03/stories/1063726317?utm_campaign=edition&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eenews%3Aenergywire By Timothy Cama, E&E News reporter A bevy of clean energy companies has registered to lobby the federal government in recent months, just as President Biden and the new Democratic majority in Congress take the reins. More than three dozen companies in the clean energy sector have disclosed new lobbying arrangements since Election Day, […]
Media touts ‘Swedish automaker’ going only electric car – Reality Check: ‘Volvo is owned by Communist China…It’s an effort to promote EVs & make the world even more dependent on China’
WaPo: 'Swedish automaker.' Hah. Volvo is owned by Communist China. This is not an effort to 'fight climate change.' It's an effort to promote EVs and make the world even more dependent on China.https://t.co/xPxmE91NKi — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 2, 2021 Flashback: Volvo Is Revitalized In U.S. By Chinese Ownership
More windmills: Climate activists push green energy after Texas frozen turbine debacle
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/mar/2/texas-frozen-wind-turbine-debacle-prompts-climate-/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times Frozen wind turbines became a symbol of last month’s Arctic blast that left millions of Texans without power, but as far as green energy proponents are concerned, the solution is not less wind but more. As Texas struggles to recover from the devastating freeze and blackouts, Democrats […]