Fact: polar bears are thriving despite sea ice loss according to the scientific literature


Fact: polar bears are thriving despite sea ice loss according to the scientific literatureTallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / 3d

Some informative reading for Facebook’s so-called climate fact checkers — or just something else for them to ‘cancel’?


Is Facebook now an expert on polar bear conservation status? Apparently they have decreed themselves the last word for online content. There is a plan afoot to label anything that says polar bears are not being harmed by recent sea ice declines as ‘disinformation’ – but on whose authority? Thanks to Joshfor the cartoon below.

A new section of the Climate Science Information Center, launching alongside the labelling trial, debunks common myths such as the false claim that polar bear populations are not suffering due to global heating, or the widespread belief that excess carbon emissions help plant life. Facebook is working with climate communication experts from around the world, including at the University of Cambridge, to produce the content.

Ah, they’re consulting ‘climate communication experts‘! Those experts surely must be up on all the latest papers and not trusting the word of obviously biased conservations organizations…

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