NYTimes Falsely Claims Climate Change Threatening Power Grids

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/4rUNGyamP_cs5OzwPPWvUYTl6kxBFmRJllfRPYejqGQa531hkeL-Y75Cv2Kokyw2Vg4u8RScB3—T5p—3auNvjWj1oGQ9HKJ7u7zm0lScg4K9IOka2R8QW0ggoLo3cce4A5rGFtKJEeGdeouhQzJaT5guisVu NYTimes Falsely Claims Climate Change Threatening Power GridsClimate Change Dispatch / 3d The New York Times published a February 16 article claiming climate change is making America’s power grid more vulnerable due to an increase in extreme weather events. However, objective data from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

The Myth (And Fake Math) Of ‘Green’ Jobs

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/4rUNGyamP_fuWQEH4my2meoJh1oRFGAxllfRPYejqGQa531hkeL-Y75Cv2Kokyw2WE4v_MYseZa8N5BpBRpaA7QGACXsx3PKKgWYrhrlxe_xGyOyoHyxxb-C8NwAGpYZ The Myth (And Fake Math) Of ‘Green’ JobsClimate Change Dispatch / 1d “Fool me once,” Stephen King wrote, “shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” His adage certainly applies to the myth (and fake math) of green jobs. During the 2020 election campaign, Joe Biden asserted that […]

For 50 Years, Eco-Alarmism Has Left A Wake Of Destruction

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/4rUNGyamP_dCM_2DHvdWDl2odjadn3hjllfRPYejqGQa531hkeL-Y75Cv2Kokyw2VPefYBhn6gVr0oiOdYlxOPuaHBHHZuxWp9xYpC2fnIv6Z6DGX2zslfdEEObmDr2DmyRRaDgFtZA60nIXo-qoig For 50 Years, Eco-Alarmism Has Left A Wake Of DestructionClimate Change Dispatch / 21h Four million homes went without power in Texas. Will the self-inflicted power grid blackouts in Texas finally throw cold water on the fantasy of alternative and intermittent renewable energy as a replacement to the miracle of hydrocarbon fuels? It should. Cold weather completely […]

Bill Gates Admits Climate Change Policies ‘May’ Cause Some ‘Dislocation’ For 2.8 Million Americans Who Work The In Oil And Gas Industry

https://www.dailywire.com/news/bill-gates-admits-climate-change-policies-may-cause-some-dislocation-for-2-8-million-americans-who-work-the-in-oil-and-gas-industry Bill Gates Admits Climate Change Policies ‘May’ Cause Some ‘Dislocation’ For 2.8 Million Americans Who Work The In Oil And Gas IndustryThe Daily Wire / by Ian Haworth / 6d On the subject of his “zero emission” policy suggestions, when asked about what would happen to the 2.8 million Americans working in the oil and gas industry, Bill […]

Un-Greening: Mexico gives up on renewables, revives coal industry

https://joannenova.com.au/2021/02/un-greening-mexico-gives-up-on-renewables-revives-coal-industry/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=un-greening-mexico-gives-up-on-renewables-revives-coal-industry Un-Greening: Mexico gives up on renewables, revives coal industryJoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax / by Jo Nova / 8d … Mexico, the eleventh biggest population on Earth, was all enthused about renewables a few years ago, but now they are actively winding back wind and solar and reactivating coal projects. Mines are being reopened, coal miners are […]

Green Folly: Berlin’s City E-Buses Leave Passengers Out In The Cold…Diesel Buses To The Rescue.

https://notrickszone.com/2021/02/17/green-folly-berlins-city-e-buses-leave-passengers-out-in-the-cold-diesel-buses-to-the-rescue/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=green-folly-berlins-city-e-buses-leave-passengers-out-in-the-cold-diesel-buses-to-the-rescue Green Folly: Berlin’s City E-Buses Leave Passengers Out In The Cold…Diesel Buses To The Rescue.NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 6d Germany’s capital Berlin was forced to replace some of its electric buses with diesel buses due to range problems associated with the cold weather.  Berlin. Germany’s fleet of e-buses had a […]

Climate Change: Biden’s Next ‘Forever War’ To Push Green Globalism

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/4rUNGyamP_cLu-jOcPCpOTKaTiB6Hjb6llfRPYejqGQa531hkeL-Y75Cv2Kokyw2q4kIYihgvUFun63-g_5qmp9Lz_h8yG7WLAbyZLEByBC5xi8i7kCahuaXRlkyn_JIWWgadbYTmZsIEUHzC3ZarB-DpcUtKRRc Climate Change: Biden’s Next ‘Forever War’ To Push Green GlobalismClimate Change Dispatch / 6d Environmental activists and NGOs are demanding that the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, be investigated by the International Criminal Court in The Hague for the possible crime of ecocide – that is, for devastating the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous inhabitants, with knock-on consequences for global […]

WSJ Magazine Promotes False Tuvalu Myth In Bill Gates Climate Puff Piece

https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/4rUNGyamP_f48yivSs7Zz0IKvuwvNsHhllfRPYejqGQa531hkeL-Y75Cv2Kokyw2-MPsQY-o4-V3hiTfdh3ubzOX5-bBmKOo843TPtXK81HBWKlghDoGqadcaHUVlKYWfFfQmtSFcJ8hyhsXbu4iXyX-kKlvDEo42jlA6PEFYlo WSJ Magazine Promotes False Tuvalu Myth In Bill Gates Climate Puff PieceClimate Change Dispatch / 6d WSJ Magazine, a product of the Wall Street Journal, told an outlandish climate change falsehood about Tuvalu and sea-level rise yesterday in an article about Bill Gates. In the article, titled “Bill Gates Has a Master Plan for Battling Climate Change,” […]

Skeptical GWPF group calls for Climate Feedback to withdraw untrue and misleading claims

https://www.thegwpf.org/gwpf-calls-for-climate-feedback-to-withdraw-untrue-and-misleading-claims/ GWPF calls for Climate Feedback to withdraw untrue and misleading claimshttp://www.thegwpf.org/feed / by bennypeiser / 7d The Global Warming Policy Foundation has called for internet ‘fact-checkers’ Climate Feedback to withdraw erroneous statements made about a new GWPF report.  The GWPF report, by former US IPCC delegation member Dr Indur Goklany, compares claims about the impact of climate change to real-world […]

Fact: polar bears are thriving despite sea ice loss according to the scientific literature

https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/fact-polar-bears-are-thriving-despite-sea-ice-loss-according-to-the-scientific-literature/ Fact: polar bears are thriving despite sea ice loss according to the scientific literatureTallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / 3d ..Some informative reading for Facebook’s so-called climate fact checkers — or just something else for them to ‘cancel’? polarbearscience Is Facebook now an expert on polar bear conservation status? Apparently they have decreed themselves the last word for […]