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Angst over climate impact of COVID vaccinations – ‘CO2-spewing airplanes & trucks needed’ to distribute – ‘Hospitals got creative, using bike delivery to reduce the environmental footprint’ … Governments across the world are frantically trying to vaccinate as many people as possible to bring the coronavirus pandemic to heel — but doing so carries some negative environmental consequences. Everything from the massive freezers used to keep vaccines cold, to the trucks and airplanes needed to get the jabs out to patients, […]

Greenpeace’s actual claim: ‘Historic record’ low cold temps & snow blamed on ‘climate change’ – ‘Can we afford not why we need to fight climate change’ Record Cold/Snow caused by ‘global warming’?! Climate activists predict both outcomes — more snow, less snow — so they are never wrong – Book excerpt Book excerpt from The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change – Available at Amazon & Barnes & Noble & Walmart  “Predictions of less snow were ubiquitous by global warming scientists. But once that prediction failed […]

Burning Yen: Japanese Government Scraps Last Wind Turbines in Failed $580 Million Offshore Project Apart from literally burning cash, there is no faster way to squander money than by piling it into an offshore wind power project. It’s hardly news that the true cost of generating electricity using wind power is staggering; the cost of doing so offshore is astronomical. But don’t take our word for it, the Japanese government […]

The Return of the Dead: Countering Species Extinction Claims – The most aggressive claims rest on shaky foundations’

The most aggressive claims of mass extinction of wild species rest on shaky foundations. — (@HumanProgress) January 18, 2021 Slowly, humans are making amends for our past excesses. What’s clear is that nature’s resilience is stronger than we thought. The Return of the Dead: Countering Extinction By Joakim Book Animals die […]

Report: Fossil fuels to dominate Africa’s energy mix this decade – ‘Non-hydro renewables likely to remain below 10% in 2030’ A new study into Africa’s energy generation landscape uses a state-of-the-art machine-learning technique to analyse the pipeline of more than 2,500 planned power plants and their chances of successful commission. The study shows the share of non-hydro renewables in African electricity generation is likely to remain below 10% in 2030, although this varies by […]

CNN report buries this good news in paragraph 12 on polar bears: ‘They are doing quite well…Svalbard’s polar bear numbers do not appear to have decreased in the last 20 years’

But of course: Good news buried in paragraph 12 of this #ClimateScam sob story: "It seems that they are quite resistant, and they are doing quite well..Svalbard's polar bear numbers do not appear to have decreased in the last 20 years" @sjc_pbs — Tom Nelson (@tan123) January 18, 2021 # Emails from the […]

Justice Alito fails climate reality again: ‘Recuses himself from climate case because he owns oil company stocks…like most everyone else’ – Pressure now on Justice Barrett b/c her dad worked for Shell

Justice Alito fails conservatives again… recuses himself from climate case because he owns oil company stocks… like most everyone else. Communists now pressuring Justice Barrett b/c her dad worked for Shell. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) January 18, 2021