I look forward to welcoming world leaders to Cornwall for the @G7 Summit in June.
My goal is to work with our friends and partners to #BuildBackBetter from the coronavirus pandemic and create a fairer, greener and more prosperous future.https://t.co/ZIVS07hkjd #G7UK pic.twitter.com/6bmODaLsWS
— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) January 17, 2021
The PM now promotes the WEF ‘build back better’ line. Like other countries, our politicians are captured. They have crushed freedom & democracy to deliver a global agenda we never chose. But the real message here is power. He’s telling you & there is nothing you can do about it. https://t.co/Fjiid4zVwt
— Aldous Nous (@bravenew_orwell) January 17, 2021