Electric vehicle mandates will require massive rare-earth elements to achieve

Key facts: Converting all US autos to EVs will require roughly: 18x world’s current cobalt production, 9x neodymium,7x lithium, & 4x world copper production. https://t.co/XBrZMuz4tw — Bill Heller (@noturbine) January 15, 2021 https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/460496-electric-vehicles-wont-save-us-from-climate-change Electric vehicles won’t save us from climate change BY ROBERT BRYCE The leading Democratic contenders for the White House love electric vehicles. […]

UK PM Boris Johnson all in for Great Reset: Promotes ‘Build Back Better’ to ‘create a fairer, greener & more prosperous future’

I look forward to welcoming world leaders to Cornwall for the @G7 Summit in June. My goal is to work with our friends and partners to #BuildBackBetter from the coronavirus pandemic and create a fairer, greener and more prosperous future.https://t.co/ZIVS07hkjd #G7UK pic.twitter.com/6bmODaLsWS — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) January 17, 2021 The PM now promotes the WEF […]

Economist rips lockdowns as creating ‘the most inhumane totalitarian society’ – ‘Is this our new ‘science’ – divested entirely from consideration of humanity and liberty?’

Economist Sanjeev Sabhlok, resigned from his job in the Department of Treasury and Finance in Victoria Australia in September 2020 “to protest the outrageous violations of liberty” due to the COVID lockdowns. My critique of Christopher Snowdon’s deplorable article in The Quillette – Sanjeev Sabhlok's blog – https://t.co/CMs93yySxz — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) January 17, 2021 https://www.sabhlokcity.com/2021/01/my-critique-of-christopher-snowdons-deplorable-article-in-the-quillette/ My […]