Fear Not Rising Temperatures or Ocean Levels
https://rclutz.wordpress.com/2020/12/10/fear-not-rising-temperatures-or-ocean-levels/ by Ron Clutz Dominick T. Armentano writes at the Independent Institute Are Temperatures and Ocean Levels Rising Dangerously? Not Really. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. H/T John Ray There are two widely held climate-change beliefs that are simply not accurate. The first is that there has been a statistically significant warming trend in the U.S. over the last 20 years. […]
Environment Of Dystopia: Germany Plans To Wipe Out 20 Million Sq M Of 1000-Year Old Forest, For Wind Parks!
https://notrickszone.com/2020/12/08/environment-of-dystopia-germany-plans-to-wipe-out-20-million-sq-m-of-1000-year-old-forest-for-wind-parks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=environment-of-dystopia-germany-plans-to-wipe-out-20-million-sq-m-of-1000-year-old-forest-for-wind-parks Environment Of Dystopia: Germany Plans To Wipe Out 20 Million Sq M Of 1000-Year Old Forest, For Wind Parks!NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by P Gosselin / 1dIs this article about climate?YESNO Green madness and environmental destruction 20 million square meters of 1000-year old “fairy tale” forest to be designated as an industrial wind park zone. […]
Claim: ‘Climate change’ threatens the grave of Karl Marx – Cemetery facing ‘warmer temps…rampant fungi, freak storms & shifting graves’
https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3913997/posts France24 ^ | December 10, 2020 Global warming is threatening London’s historic Highgate Cemetery, an overgrown oasis housing graves of notable figures from Karl Marx to pop star George Michael, its custodians say. Concerned at rampant fungi, freak storms and shifting graves, the cemetery’s custodians are now seeking expert help to ensure its survival. The […]
‘Real meat is greener and healthier than any fake’ meat’ manufactured by green alchemists’ – ‘All real meat is plant-based’
http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2020/12/real-meat-is-green.html Real Meat is GreenThe NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog / by Geoff / 4dIs this article about gardening?YESNO Letter-to-the-Editor/Opinion Piece by Viv Forbes Australian Climate Sceptics BlogPls post and Circulate 6th December 2020 Real Meat is Green Wandering recently through an arcade popular with the green smoothie set, I saw a sign boasting: “Plant-Based Meat”. Someone should advise those nutritional dunderheads […]
12 Indian Meteorologists Demonstrate How Warming Can Be ‘Discovered’ In Temperature Records
https://notrickszone.com/2020/12/07/12-indian-meteorologists-demonstrate-how-warming-can-be-discovered-in-temperature-records/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=12-indian-meteorologists-demonstrate-how-warming-can-be-discovered-in-temperature-records 12 Indian Meteorologists Demonstrate How Warming Can Be ‘Discovered’ In Temperature RecordsNoTricksZone: Not here to worship what i… / by Kenneth Richard / 2dIs this article about economy?YESNO A new temperature record for all of India shows no obvious net warming since 1951 or 1705. But when scientists select a cold year and draw in a red-hot short-term upward […]
‘Net zero’ climate targets? Read the fine print
https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2020/12/09/net-zero-climate-targets-read-the-fine-print/ ‘Net zero’ climate targets? Read the fine printTallbloke’s Talkshop / by oldbrew / 18h Well, exactly. Only quoting short parts of the article here, as it’s laced with the inevitable nods to questionable (to say the least) ‘greenhouse gas’ theory that seems to create havoc in climate models, constantly pushing them out of alignment with observations. Instead a […]
UK Committee on Climate Change’s Net Zero advice to government is ‘a political suicide note’
https://www.thegwpf.com/committee-on-climate-changes-net-zero-advice-to-government-is-a-political-suicide-note/ Committee on Climate Change’s Net Zero advice to government is “a political suicide note”The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 2hIs this article about foreign policy?YESNO London, 10 December: Energy experts at the Global Warming Policy Forum have called the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) advice to government on Net Zero decarbonisation “a political suicide note”. […]
A ban on gas boilers would be yet another pointless eco catastrophe
https://www.thegwpf.com/ross-clark-a-ban-on-gas-boilers-would-be-yet-another-pointless-eco-catastrophe/ Ross Clark: A ban on gas boilers would be yet another pointless eco catastropheThe Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 6h Has the Government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) been seized by one of those gangs which promises to tarmac your driveway for £50 and then, when it has finished its shoddy work, tells you, no, […]