2020 Atlantic hurricane season ranked 15th of 121 years in normalized losses

2020 Atlantic hurricane season ends todayHere are updated CONUS normalized losses through 20202020 ranks 15th of 121 yearsBased on @JessicaWeinkle et al https://t.co/NtFyP3PrqK pic.twitter.com/nAI3W0TPs9 — The Honest Broker (@RogerPielkeJr) November 30, 2020 Note via PNAS: “The loss record must be ‘normalized’ in order to make past events comparable to the present. Pielke and Landsea (13) […]

Lancet’s Heat-Related Deaths Con Trick: ‘Lancet conveniently forget to mention that cold kills far more people than warmth does’

https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2020/12/04/lancets-heat-related-deaths-con-trick/ By Paul Homewood     The new Lancet report on climate change is now out:   The number of older people dying from heat-related causes has doubled in under 20 years, a report revealed yesterday. Britain suffered an estimated 8,500 heat deaths among the over-65s in 2018 – more than twice the average for […]

Sorry, Google, Middle East Crops Are a Success Story, Not a Climate Crisis

http://climaterealism.com/2020/12/sorry-google-middle-east-crops-are-a-success-story-not-a-climate-crisis/ by H. Sterling Burnett Google News is hyping a story published by Agrinews, which promotes a month-old World Bank report claiming water scarcity in the Middle East – caused by climate change – threatens crop production. The World Bank report, “Water in the Balance,” is old news, made up of model-driven speculation, instead of data. Real-world crop data, […]

Get Ready For Nationwide Blackouts Under Biden

https://www.eurasiareview.com/04122020-get-ready-for-nationwide-blackouts-under-biden-oped/ By Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris* The power disaster unfolding in California will soon occur across the country, if Joe Biden gets his way. The Golden State has been sweeping away the forms of energy that have provided reliable electricity for decades, under the same agenda the former Vice-President is planning for America as a […]


  Dec 2, 2020 ASIA PACIFIC TODAY SEN. MALCOLM ROBERTS, DR MANOJ JOSHI & BLAKE CHRISTIAN DISCUSS BIDEN POLICIES & THE GLOBAL RESET. What will a Biden Presidency bring in terms of climate change policy and the Global Reset? We catch up with SENATOR MALCOLM ROBERTS from One Nation and what he tells us will […]

Watch: Morano on Asia Pacific Today TV show: The COVID Climate Connection – ‘If you love the COVID lockdowns, you’re going to love the coming climate lockdowns’

Broadcast December 4, 2020 – Asia Pacific Today – Host Mike Ryan ASIA PACIFIC TODAY MARC MORANO & THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, PAUL DIMATTINA ATTACKS DAN ANDREWS, USA POLITICS WITH KIRK CLYATT Marc Morano of CFACT talks to Mike Ryan about his new movie – Climate Hustle 2, further exposing the great scam surrounding Global […]

You have been warned: ‘A merging of the COVID climate issue’ is underway

https://onenewsnow.com/science-tech/2020/12/04/covids-left-climate-activists-feeling-forgotten COVID’s left climate activists feeling forgotten By Chris Woodward (OneNewsNow.com) The UN secretary-general has issued a stark warning about humanity and climate, but a skeptic says he sees right through him. “Humanity is waging war on nature,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an address at Columbia University in New York. “This is suicidal. […]

Trump appoints NOAA climate skeptic to panel selecting National Medal of Science winners

https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/528652-trump-appoints-climate-denying-noaa-staffer-to-panel-selecting BY REBECCA BEITSCH The White House is appointing David Legates, a top administration official with a history of questioning humans’ influence on global warming, to the committee responsible for selecting the National Medal of Science winners. Legates joined the administration in September and now serves as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deputy assistant secretary of […]