JunkScience.com’s collection of climate activists admitting climate is not about — the climate
https://junkscience.com/2020/11/if-you-need-more-evidence-that-climate-is-about-communism/ If you need more evidence that climate is about communism… This compilation of my 2020 “If you need more evidence that climate is about communism…” tweets lets climate activists present their real goal in their own words. Don’t just accept what climate skeptics have been saying for the past several decades. But do take […]
Watch: Tucker Carlson explain the Great Reset
Watch the first 20 min. of this link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pNI7jkJHSKrj/ TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 On today’s episode of ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’, Tucker Carlson delves into the start of widespread lockdowns in America; meanwhile, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo asks everyone to admit their mistakes during the COVID crisis.
Interview with Michael Shellenberger on renewable energy & nuclear
https://www.cfact.org/2020/09/20/ep-105-michael-shellenberger-of-environmental-progress/ By Gabriella Hoffman |September 20th, 2020 In Episode 105 of District of Conservation, Gabriella Hoffman spoke to Michael Shellenberger—bestselling author and founder & president of Environmental Progress. Shellenberger came on to discuss his book, Apocalypse Never, his work with Environmental Progress, why he changed his mind on renewable energy, why he advocates for nuclear […]
Wash Post: ‘Joe Biden must be the climate change president’ – He should push carbon tax
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/joe-biden-must-be-the-climate-change-president/2020/11/26/b1fa95ec-2915-11eb-92b7-6ef17b3fe3b4_story.html Opinion by Editorial Board November 28, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. EST THE DAY Joe Biden became president-elect, he listed climate change among his top priorities. Last week, he named former secretary of state John F. Kerry to be his climate czar. It is crucial Mr. Biden and Mr. Kerry follow through. The United States has squandered too much […]
The ExxonKnew Lie Debunked
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/10/28/the-exxonknew-lie-spreads-to-the-automakers/ by David Middleton INVESTIGATION Exclusive: GM, Ford knew about climate change 50 years ago Maxine Joselow, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, October 26, 2020 […] E&E News obtained hundreds of pages of documents on GM’s corporate history from the General Motors Heritage Center and Wayne State University in Detroit. Documents on Ford’s climate research […]
Pope Francis in TED talk: ‘We only have a few years’ to fix climate change
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-in-ted-talk-we-only-have-a-few-years-to-fix-climate-change?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com&utm_campaign=a83c5a5168-Daily%2520Headlines%2520-%2520U.S._COPY_875&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_12387f0e3e-a83c5a5168-401418881 By Michael Haynes VATICAN CITY, October 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis once again called for action to be taken on “climate change,” this time making the alarmist claim that there are less than 30 years to do so. The Holy Father didn’t mention God, or Jesus Christ, at all in his 13-minute video. […]
Morano: Kerry as ‘climate envoy’ would solidify the COVID/Climate connection
https://onenewsnow.com/science-tech/2020/11/25/globe-trotting-aristocratic-traitor-ready-to-lead-war-on-climate Globe-trotting aristocratic traitor ready to lead ‘war’ on climate By Chris Woodward, Billy Davis (OneNewsNow.com) Joe Biden has chosen John Kerry to be a climate envoy in a future administration, an announcement that created cheers from the national media and eye rolls from critics with good memories. Kerry, the former Secretary of State under […]
Fmr. Obama advisor Lawrence H. Summers on COVID lockdown’s impact: ‘$200,000 per family or 90% of a year’s GDP’ – ‘4x output loss of Great Recession, 2x cost of all wars since 9/11, & roughly cost of climate change in next 50 years’
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1315679595841101826.html By Lawrence H. Summers I have a Viewpoint out in JAMA with my colleague @Cutler_econ – The COVID-19 Pandemic and the $16 Trillion Virus. It is particularly relevant today ja.ma/3diC0U9 1/13 We estimate the cost of the COVID virus for the US. Bottom line cost: $16 trillion. This is $200,000 per family or 90% of a year’s […]