CNN: Climate Change is Driving Fatal Shark Attacks  by Eric Worrall According to CNN, Climate Change is making sharks more desperate by destroying the ecosystems which feed them, leading to a surge in fatal shark attacks on humans. Sharks have killed 7 people in Australia this year, the most since 1934. Climate change could be a factor By Jessie Yeung, CNN Updated 0910 […]

Major study showing masks don’t work against COVID censored?! Lead investigator on Danish mask study asked when it would be published: ‘As soon as a journal is brave enough’

several months back, the danes undertook a large, randomized, controlled mask study it has been completed for some time the lead investigator says they will publish it "as soon as a journal is brave enough to accept the paper" sounds like the results do not support mask use… — el gato malo (@boriquagato) […]

Crisis looms in alarmist climate science By David Wojick Climate science is dominated by alarmists addicted to the idea that increasing carbon dioxide will cause dangerous global warming. How much warming is thus the central scientific question. This question has been surprisingly difficult to answer despite 40 years of research, costing tens of billions of dollars. Now the issue is […]

UN busted for exaggerated climate ‘disaster’ report By Craig Rucker |October 19th, 2020|Climate|10 Comments UN reports work like this: Researchers assemble page after page of data few ever read. Activists then staple a brief, but alarming, executive summary to the front of the report, and politicians and the press only read and quote from that.   The UN was just busted for […]

RIP: Climate Skeptic sea level expert Swedish paleo-geophysicist Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner – Debunked rising sea fears as ‘scaremongering’

2017 Study: Tide gages find no global ‘acceleration in sea level’ – But satellite data ‘manipulated’ to show acceleration – Published in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention – August 2017 – “Sea Level Manipulation” – By Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner – Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, Stockholm, Sweden Study concludes: “Up to the present, there has been […]

Bloomberg News: Biden’s green energy plan seeks to end natural gas use within 15 years By WILL WADE, GERSON FREITAS JR. AND JENNIFER A. DLOUHY on 10/19/2020 (Bloomberg) –During a town hall meeting Thursday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden again assured shale producers that he wouldn’t ban fracking if elected. Then, in virtually the same breath, he touted his $2 trillion clean-energy plan, which aims to edge natural gas out of the […]

U.S. to be Subject to UN ‘Climate Conciliation Commission’ if Re-Joins Paris Climate Pact – Paris pact could be cited to levy carbon taxes, block infrastructure projects By CHRIS HORNER Paris Climate ‘Accord’ FOIA Case: State Dept. Releases, Withholds Parts of Memo to Sec. John Kerry Requesting Authority to Sign Paris Agreement  It appears possible that, come January, the United States will rejoin the 2015 Paris climate agreement, committing to adopt the “Green New Deal” agenda (now rebranded for political purposes as “Net […]

Study: Climate experts fly more often than other scientists – ‘Climate scientists attend more international conferences’ By Ben Webster, Environment EditorTuesday October 20 2020, 12.01am BST, The Times Scientists who specialise in climate change fly more than other researchers, according to a study by Cardiff University that has prompted calls for them “to look in the mirror” before demanding that others cut emissions. Climate scientists take about five flights a […]